[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. I will need 16x16 area for the fully automated potion farm
  2. Fellow Carthageans,

    many things have happened again and it is my pleasure to make some announcements:
    • linuxk3 has been added to the hall of fame. He found us a zombie spawner and developed mining in Firestar
    • Sweetcutey has been very supportive by transporting and donating tons of materials. From Carthaga to smp-town and the other way, I reserved a spot for you in the hall of fame
    • Our diplomats have established our embassy in Concordia. The PoC want to make a present to the leaders of Concordia as a token of our friendship. PureBredGaeilge or caden672 please pick it up from the chest at 8097 and bring it to 72Volt
    I also have a few recommendations for positions in professions:
    linuxk3 - Founder of the miners
    Sweetcutey - Founder of Project Support Managers
    ruari - Architect I
    Mrlegitislegit - Barkeeper ;)

    Recommended people need to confirm in this thread, if they want to take the position. If somebody is not happy with this, please let me know.

    Scorpio528 likes this.
  3. And Founder of the Fishes? :p
  4. Ok, you'll be master of rods. There is no doubt about it.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  5. It sounds good to me. :D Thank you. :3
  6. I have tested potion machine and it works fine. Note: it will leave 1 water bottle per 3 potions in collecting chest and that is normal
  7. Very nice. Do you also agree with your position as Founder of Mines?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  8. I agree
  9. ill take my position as an Architect ive already started on designs for a new storage :) and potion storage
  10. Thank you. I will update the opening post. Whenever you think something needs to be changed let me know.

    The transition from the current phase II into phase III of Carthaga's development will be very smooth, as it looks. I will soon update you what phase III is.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  11. I have a storage that i made with the help of deadmaster98 that i think will suit perfectly at the outpost. Of course i will add a new theme and expand it for all items needed at the outpost. It is also easy to expand so there is no worries there.
  12. It looks good. Maybe we start with signs instead of the item frames. Makes it easier. If we have enough leather we can upgrade. How will it look like from the outside?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  13. we have another guest right now, come visit us :)
    Scorpio528 and LadBlo like this.
  14. Hey guys! managed to make my way into Carthaga and it looked pretty nice. Can I join?
  15. Hey prince,
    happy you made it. You are welcome to join :). There are beds on the 3rd floor of the inn. If you want to build a house, you can find some space north of the Limes river, through the southern gate of the town wall.

    Hope to see you soon,
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  16. Guys, about the potion machine, please check ingrediences before turn it on
    Just do not turn it on yet untill you guys have the ingredience ready
  17. If we are gonna get the potion machine working, we may start to work farming nether wart
    the potion I recomended to make first, is firepotion
    Kaizimir, please tell me if we are already have the farm, if not, tell me where to start the farm going
  18. ok, there is a sign down behind the tree farm. I thought that's a good spot for vegetable farms
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  19. To whoever put the signs in my house about my fireworks, don't worry, I have them in my inventory. :)
  20. If you have the soul sand ive got a tonne of nether wart that sweet brung over to car.