[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Dear PoC,

    it is the fourth day of the First Golden Age in the history of Carthaga. It started on 29th of June 2014 and I hope it will continue for many more days. This was only possible with you, my fellow Carthageans. Everybody greatly helped and made Carthaga what it is today.
    In order for future generations and ourselves to remember this great time I build a humble monument; we shall never forget.

    Thank you all so much for being such an amazing crowd and being so enthusiastic about our endeavors,

    Scorpio528 and fengqianfeifei like this.
  2. Kai, I was just can't wait for princerrupert to make the tree farm, so I have made it by myself
    and it's done, and working good
    miner3808 and Kaizimir like this.
  3. Awesome, thanks linux. It is so much better with tree farm. But how can we make sure it doesn't break again?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  4. It's working good too ;)
  5. Opening post updated: Check the project support section ;)
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  6. I've found a Momentus right above Firestar, I leave him alone there for some of you guys who wanna fight him
    crafter31211 and Kaizimir like this.
  7. I found a skeleton and a creeper in the attic of the Inn, left them there, as I didn't want to make a hole in the roof.

    Edit: Killed them, added a few more torches.
    Kaizimir likes this.
  8. roxy me and Linux found a creeper I ur basement it blew up ur chest we saved 95% f the stuff and put it in random hest int he basement srry but ill help u reorganize
  9. Ok, thanks guys. I think we have the situation under control now and hope the torches stay in place.
  10. When I visited Carthaga, the Golden Age had just begun. I think that would you are trying to accomplish is a beautiful and wonderful thing, and it is my belief that your hopes will be fulfilled, and that Carthaga will live in a perpetual Golden Age of peace and serenity. Thank you so much for your hospitality and your help. Long live Carthaga! :D
    crafter31211 and Scorpio528 like this.
  11. Kai, Now we have portal problem, from railway in nether to Carthaga's portal.
    We have finished our overworld gold farm, and that cause the problem above.
    The problem is: The portal from the nether side at railroad linked to our overworld gold farm. But our Carthaga portal still linked to the nether railroad portal correctly
  12. You solved it, didn't you? :);)
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  13. hashog3000, thanks for your good wishes. We will further strive to get as many projects as possible supported and hope to facilitate and catalyze EMC's community :D The next step will be to offer services and send out experts to help with delicate stuff. So, there will be a lot to do for us in the future.
  14. Yeah, I fixed it, just when you've read my last previous posted
    crafter31211 likes this.
  15. To fix portal probs just break one obsidian then put it back and re light
  16. About the squid farm. The one that we have it has the problem with squids spawnrate right?, so I decided to remake the squid farm over and over again but still doesn't increase the spawnrate.
    I have now figured it out later that how and where to make a squid farm. The farm needs an area there's no water around and also no water around a in whole big area (it could be 16x16 chunks no water around) for the maximum spawnrate.

    And the area that I looking for it's actually around at x:65280 z:-1114 far north of Carthaga, but that area still need to clear out water, but lesser work than the other areas around Carthaga.

    I would like to have others sugestion about the farm and some other thought about it
    please reply back.
    crafter31211 likes this.
  17. Linux i original built the squid farm but I only did no water scourges within 8 by 8 chunks or about 100by 100 blocks
  18. Basicly increasing spawrate by cleared out water in a large area. The one we have, it's an ocean nearby and it's a big problem
    crafter31211 likes this.
  19. Ik I thought it was out if range
  20. In Transulvania you can find a squid farm set up. I cleared all the water sources in the surrounding area, still no squids ever spawned. But there is also a squid trap there under the ocean. That one does work, but is pretty small and slow. I think if we would enlarge this design we could get a decent amount of squid.
    To find the squid farm in Transulvania leave the building through the stone doors, turn left and use the tunnel to go east. You will find the squid trap easily in the ocean west of Transulvania.
    We can also ask hashhog or qwerty. They build one for the 12 month of farming. But I don't know if it works or not. Maybe they have a tip for us.
    Scorpio528 likes this.