[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. They're likely not going to change their mind. They're making the changes under principle not because they're losing money or anything. They really have NO reason to change their minds in this case.

    Also, these rules have been in the EULA for quite a long time now, just 'overlooked' by Mojang until now. There's no official thing saying they can't take action for servers under 1.7.9. In all honesty, if they wanted to, (and I heard this may be the route they go) they simply need to block a servers ip from their auth servers so nobody can connect to their servers anymore. As it's their game, they COULD do this action just because they feel like it, anyways. So, it would be best for servers everywhere to follow this EULA properly, just to be on the safe side, in my opinion.
    MrUnknownian and marknaaijer like this.
  2. So no utopia reses?
  3. I would say yes, this will probably be bad for all servers,however, it doesn't have to be terrible and it most definitely does not have to be the end.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  4. So do we or do we not keep your reses in utopia?
  5. No residences will be lost. I view Residences as something that does not impact "Gameplay".
  6. Ok lol is it no they will be lost or none of them will be lost
  7. nothing is changing when it comes to Residences.
  8. Ok lol good
  9. So you're restricting zombie horses from free players -> Paying for game material that isn't yours -> Mojang aint happy
  10. But zombie horses are not in vanilla gameplay, that would be like saying you can't do pets because normal players can't get pets
  11. It's not entirely a concept of "Selling Game Material" anymore. Mojang simply doesn't want you selling items that have IMPACT on gameplay.

    A zombie horse works identical to a normal horse, so its a cosmetic detail, and would be fine to sell.

    While I had ideas on how to add them to the game - We may also make them a supporter perk too.

    Basically /horse zombie for Gold and /horse skeleton for Diamond, and can only have them while active supporter.

    I guess the goal is to provide enough fun things to encourage people to maintain the subscription.

    So, current cosmetic ideas:

    Once 1.8 lands and the skin system works differently, custom player heads.
    Zombie/Skeleton horses
    Disguises in Town
    Pets (Basically summon a pet when you login that does not attack/be attacked. Mojang said cant have combat pets :/)

    We will have to design these around maintaining supporter instead of one time purchases like Residences are though.
  12. Actually, EMC is a server network consisting of 10 servers :p
  13. Also what about trails or custom bow trails( like the valentines bow) for supporters
  14. What do you mean by this?
    Except for the Utopia thing, right? If the whole "only supporters/the owner can come to Utopian residences" thing is still on, then the only way I could see of fixing that would be to allow all free players who own a Utopian res to unclaim the Utopian res and replace it with a new one on a different server. *Hinthintwinkwinknudgenudge*
  15. Thank you for your reply. I guess I'll continue then :) Mojang are definitely killing off servers now by making it so complicated.
  16. We will def offer the service of unclaiming a utopia res for players, but I will add warnings for NEW Supporters that claiming a utopia res requires maintaining the subscription.

    But for older players before all this hodgepodge changed, they will keep their access to it, but same as before, no wild.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  17. That sounds reasonable too.
    pyro_vampiress and hashhog3000 like this.

  18. After being on EMC for two+ years, I still haven't seen this fixed.....:(
  19. You are right. Contractions are bad.
    Pro Tip: Never use them.
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