Okay last one. I had this field trip in highschool where we went on a canoe trip. We each had a partner and the trip was like 6 hours long, all of the time in the canoes. Well, my partner and I sucked and we tipped our canoe over like within 10 seconds of getting into it. Nobody saw it since we were last. So, to trololol, the rest of the trip, when we got near other groups, they would be 'funny' and splash us with their ores. Not knowing I was already soaked, I would leap out of the boat towards their boats then push them in the water into like land or swampy areas. They were more shocked than upset that I even leaped out of my boat at them, lol.
I approve of the nice good sirs because mostly place's outside the UK don't know what the channel islands are...
Most of the time I feel like I've screwed up more than the people I screwed up against actually think.
Ah, back in the LLO, perhaps my biggest mistake, and eh, I accidentally got the wrong string gauge for my acoustic guitar, and it warped the neck. I haven't touched it in forever, need to fix that some time. I mess up alot, mainly in EMC. Take the NR for example, and that time I built a house in the middle of a lava lake.
A time when I screwed up. Let's see..... I was at boy scout summer camp. It was my first year there, and it was my first time using a knife to carve something into wood! Let's just say, the knife ended up in my hand and not in the wood.
So as you can see in the picture (<---) I am a twin. Today at my in service training for life guarding, a girl called me by my brothers name (which happens at least every hour) usually this is no big deal because everyone does it. But, my brother isn't even a lifeguard, she just remembered it from our childhood. Anyway, after calling me my brother's name twice in about 10 minutes she finally got it right, but i had gotten so use to correcting her that I said my brothers name out loud to correct her. Long story short, if you have a twin, eat them in the womb. #TwinProblems
Twin absorption: The greatest cure to sibling rivalry. Anyhow, a time I screwed up? Basically every single time I've been struggling to pull on a sweatshirt with flailing arms and smacked someone in the eye. :/