If you were to get one item (something in EMC) what would it be?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _REMOVED_65994, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. A stick of egggggggyness, I can egg ANYTHING marlix would be nice mabey even momentus, but the big one...Aikar!
  2. an unbraekable dimod pickaxe with unbraeking 3 fortune 3 eff 3 :D
  3. *Unbreakable *Diamond *Unbreaking *Efficiency
    607 and Qwerty189 like this.
  4. Hmmmm...

    I'd like... some cake. To give to people then say, "I'm handing out lies to anyone" :D
  5. me too. Then I could build a TARDIS that's bigger on the inside.
  6. You would need multiple for that I think.
  7. you need op and createive to program a command block =P
  8. use a command to give yourself more command blocks =P
    607 likes this.
  9. I would like a 60x60 residence in the palm of my hand, then when I find the best spot, I would unravel it revealing a fully decked out residence, complete with a cactus.
  10. Why not 120x120?
  11. Well that's a lot of room for just one cactus.
    607 likes this.
  12. But, so's 60x60 D:

  13. Not for my kind of cactus
    607 likes this.
  14. where is this!?!
  15. Well I already have a blaze spawner, soo I'd want a super efficient Iron Golem Farm! And then I'd want 4 unspawned promo horses! :D
  16. Two 140+ speed horses
    Or all staff horses.
    (They will become mine.)