Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Is that the big smokestack they turned into a restaurant?
  2. I honestly have no idea. I was so focused on figuring out how to put the bib on in a manly way, I missed most of the details of the exterior or interior of the restaurant. It was a Hard Rock Cafe, though, and it was in Washington D. C., so, make with that what you will. Sorry about that.
  3. Me at a 15km of New Balance, today :D.

    I did it!
  4. this is me during SXSW 2013, they were doing some sort of promotion and part of it was picking out some props in a box and posing with this bear. after you've had a couple glasses of whiskey this all makes perfect sense to take part in.

    Mirr0rr, 607, southpark347 and 3 others like this.

  5. *Edit: Added another.

    I like hats.
  6. I'll bite

    Cropped out my BG as my PC's position is weird and its all multiple light levels
  7. Ermagerd! Its a monster Aikar with creepy face!
    Silken_thread and battmeghs like this.
  8. 607 and kuraudochuu like this.
  9. you called?
    Mirr0rr and Defluxer like this.
  10. i wonder whats going on in that poster there looks like a robery
  11. It is we where on the way to Ireland for a family holiday I was messing around with the children :)
  12. I just found my old mask :D.
  13. Ehh Im debating on wether I should out myself on or not
    southpark347 likes this.
  14. Choongjae likes this.
  15. OMG new mob alert, its a lesser spotted Aikar :)
    Defluxer and melk73 like this.
  16. How you dare call that mask a potato head!!! J/K, that mask is from Pink Floyd.
  17. me1.jpg
    Me and Toast.

    And then i got hungry for wife brains :confused:.
    wisepsn likes this.
  18. that is our front door btw...
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