[FORUM GAME] Earth: The Ruling Factor

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by fluffinator09, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Can I have a link to a page or something? And if this is true I'll add your info :)
  2. Fine. -.-
    1) CIA
    2) Secret Service
    3) Underground Bases.
  3. Atomic weapons were out, and not telling exactly what your technologies were meant you could change them at will.
  4. ... You didn't say anything about nuclear weapons...
  5. Atomic = Nuclear

    Or at least here they do.
  6. technically a hydrogen bomb isnt an atomic weapon since the ignition in an atomic bomb ignites more of the nucleus. its the same thing in theory both use nuclear processes sub atomically its different. should probly edit op to nuclear to clarify tho
    fluffinator09 likes this.
  7. But, but...
    Anyways the U.S. is facing some inner problems currently about the rich and poor two political parties. :3
  8. The United Kingdom begins researching new Naval Combat Tactics.
  9. the PFF puts all its military might on restoring and updating ancient infrastructure. over the course of a year all highways are able to handle emergency landings of aircraft all roads are cleansed of potholes and in general everything is brought up to code.

    as such it must pull active duty nco's and lower from the frontlines in kashmir. as such within three months it becomes indefensible. pakistan renegotiates its ceasefire with india ceding the contested land and opening talks about establishing a punjabi free trade union for the region where both nations have citizenship and free travel to and from.
    for now all of kashmir and its people lie within indian dominion.

    Pff also sends ambassadors to its theocratic neighbors.

  10. Nation Name: North Pacific Colonies

    Population : 1,000,000

    Army Size: 150,000
    Islands darted through the pacific..
    Would be hard to put a tank on these...
  11. North Pacific Colonies begins mining operations, exporting obsidian and flint to foreign countries.

    North Pacific Colonies wants to form an alliance.
  12. Not an actual country/place :)
  13. As new nations, the Russian Federation extends you all an invite to the Union of Earth! :)
  14. It's a northern body of islands :(

    Oh well. Sign me up for France, they have chicks with hairy armpits there :p
    Choongjae likes this.
  15. The U.S. accepts on the conditions that 1)Ukraine gets it's freedom 2)More information on the union is given before hand, like is it an equal say in everything? Or provinces?
  16. You may want to reselect yourself as Nauru, it's the world's smallest island, so nearly impossible to land a tank on :)
  17. France accepts the offer.
    France starts to build walls around it.
    72Volt likes this.
  18. Unique Tech? Population? Army Size? I need to know these things for the sheet :p