What if (Thread Game)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DemonThunder345, Mar 5, 2014.


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Yes 4 vote(s) 66.7%
No 2 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. Doesn't compute, no such scenario could possibly exist.

    What if all military spending was put into education for countries with no education system?
    Zerofelero likes this.
  2. What if Volt shocked me? XD LOL
  3. You would be shocked.

    What if you were staff?
    Zerofelero likes this.
  4. Then hell would freeze over

    What if you could fly?
  5. Then we as a species have reached the true expansion age of man, where we spread ourselves throughout the cosmos.

    What if you were brought to the future?
  6. Then I would bring their newly advanced electronics to where I was from, go back, bring the newer better stuff, and so on.
  7. a Question?
  8. What if you could go to Jupiter
  9. I would.... Say......










    potato chip ._. Derp



    What is you were a "Derp potato chip ._."
    Zerofelero likes this.
  10. No... really? ;)
  11. I would cry.

    What if I told you I am your mom?
  12. I would be scared, very scared.

    What if I told you that I was secretly IcecreamCow's alt?
  13. We would sit there in disbelief.

    What if Star Trek was real?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  14. I would shame them/

    What would you do if when you threw snowballs, it turned to tnt?
  15. Laugh, and throw snowballs at nick5013.

    What if all human life and our universe is just a school project of an aliens?
    607 and Aquazzz like this.
  16. I'd see if I could find the aliens, then just stare at them.

    What if Earth had no gravity?
    FDNY21 likes this.
  17. Spaceeeeee!
    What if a person from the future came to show the iPhone 76?
  18. This.

    What if it was possible to tunnel to the center of the Earth?
  19. Then I know where I am going on holiday this year.

    What if gaming was suddenly banned forever?
  20. I made redstone using command blocks to make snowballs explode :D

    I would scream for 5 years. and say Derp