I had to learn to build these when I built a fusion cannon and several ships with fusion reactors. It came from my shipyard (1)
Planet Name: Commonwealth Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion): Robotics/Expansion Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful): Hostile Planet Number: CM1 Origins: (Country on Earth): England Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff): Commonwealth is the greatest empire (British Empire) to regain it's reign around the universe! We are highly advanced in technology and super powerful, but set our sights on expansion and control. We can be peaceful at times but will be seriously hostile!
By the highly advanced in technology, its that we contain great technology, such as intelligent robots, holographic content and over machines. Nothing like a massive bomb which could kill everyone. And super powerful means that we have a lot of power, such as things to power our machines, intelligence and a lot of money at our disposal. -- Commonwealth will now be referred to as either of the following: - Commonwealth - CM - CW CM posts information about the Solar System - Garfom: 1- Orbos (The centre star) 2- Wavis 3- Nuclei 4- Dayliv 5- Dalitar (CM's home planet) 6- Eglippe 7- Feyotov 8- Ugthade Dalitar is claimed as CM's home planet! Its resources currently include: - Water - Oxygen - Carbon (Coal) - Earth like materials The atmosphere is similar to Earth, machinery has been installed to modify it to human liking, so for now masks are worn while outside to get correct oxygen amounts etc. UPDATE: After sending examiner droods to Dayliv, CM found a fungus known as: "Carbon Fir Collybia", the fungus has great healing potential when used with other materials, but if done incorrectly will cause a slow death by shutting down the human body. Testing has began on how to farm it and modify it to a safe level for human use. CM is asking if any planets want to work with us on this, and we can then learn the great work of the fungus. - In other news: The atmosphere has been modified completely to the same as Earths. London has finished and is the capital of Dalitar. On sending examiner droods to Eglippe we found Bouparium which is a metal like substance but has unknown uses. It does conduct electricity and heat. Also while exploring Eglippe, CM found old and abandoned temples, villages and monuments in the planet, we suspect life to have been there and could its possiable that is it still there.
Hey, BFInc. In the game, you have to research, and build the stuff, like "CM begins researching to create an atmosphere similar to Earth's, (10 posts)" You can't just suddenly conjure up all of this stuff, just, keep in mind that.
As they battle, we lose 3 ships BUT we are able to safely take out all of their engines. The remaining 17 fleet keep the now drifting rebellers in sight and we send a message to Spud We have inmobilized them, we are now requesting to borrow a space craft to tow them to our supermax prison where we will confront them and learn more.
Spud sends a Spacecraft, along with a few Spaceships that hold interrogators and high ranking officials from Spud.
With a Spud spaceship leading the rebellers to the SuperMax prison, we send our interrogation crew to the supermax prison too. (1 post) 3 posts to get to the prison.
Porphiria has been listed as hostile, and all positive relations to it have been stopped. CM has been listed as hostile. Any moves, and we will take up arms.
Planet Name: Antarctia Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion) Magic Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) Neutral Planet Number: 121 Origins: (Country on Earth) Antarctica Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff) We are outcasts because of our arcane abilities. The other humans feared us and drove us away. They had nothing to fear, because the arcane arts are mostly illusion, and it is only if many of us work together that we will be able to do anything real. But the other humans forced us away, so we fled to the only place that was empty of humans. Antarctica. It was there that we discovered that the cold can empower our abilities, so we stayed there, developing and refining our techniques, hunting for food. But the human population was growing. Soon they needed more resources and more space. Some big corporations turned their eyes towards Antarctica. And there was nothing we could do. We fled the mother planet only a few years before it was finally destroyed. Our people drifted in space for many years, and finally arrived at Antarctia, a planet with conditions almost the same as Antarctica. The planet had very small oceans compared to earth, only 40% of the planet was covered in water. The rest was snow and ice and rock. Our people stayed here, on the only planet in the Cold System, as we called it. Over time the planet's ecosystem adjusted to our coming, and we adjusted to the planet's ecosystem. On this planet we were able to introduce some species from Earth as well, penguins, seals, polar bears, and whales. Our people are settled and content beneath our planet's 17 moons. We will gladly accept alliance's with anyone under the terms that if we need help, we will be helped, and if they need help, we will help. Immigrants are not allowed and if anyone wants to trade with us they will need a permit. I won't be able to check this very often so expect a delay between when you ask something and when you are answered, and please be patient. Also if I say something will be done in X number of posts, I might actually finish it slightly after, depending on when I am on. Feel free to skip reading my exceedingly long story. Alliances are welcome, but only under the conditions that we will receive help if we need it, and will send help if we are needed. Data: (I didn't notice that I could do bullet points, so it might be a little hard to tell the facts apart) Antarctia is the single planet in the Cold System. It has 17 unusually large moons, some of which might be able to support life. Antarcia has 40% of it's surface covered in water. 30% of that is a single ocean. The atmosphere is clean, and perfect to support life. The Antarcians plan to keep it that way. Antarcians live in seal-skin tents supported by seal bones, and insulated with whale blubber. They make their clothing out of the fur of this rabbit-like creature native to the planet. So far there have been three kinds of fish discovered, one mammal, and a lichen that can be found almost everywhere and has very powerful medicinal properties. There were a total of 7 species introduced when we came, including us. One of the fish we discovered is amphibious and a predator. Tastes great with some of the lichen. I don't know how to do the spoiler thing, and until I do know I will be putting "Classified:" in front of everything that only I know. Classified: Our people are developing a series of magical traps to put around our solar system. The first will be to inform us that something is coming. The second gives a warning to the incoming spaceship, or not, depending on our choice. The third misdirects (it provides an illusion of having been turned around.) The fourth freezes. The first shield should be developed in two posts, the second in five, the third in seven, and the fourth should have a prototype in ten posts and be completed in fifteen posts. While we are working on the shields we need to bluff everybody out of our solar system. Warning: We are working on establishing a defense system, and would advise that you stay away from our system until we are finished. If it is urgent then send us a transmission before entering the solar system, and we will tell you how safe conditions are. Sorry for the long post.
Pan would like to create a trade pact and exchange magic knowledge. (note to everyone something huge is happening today. Once a week I throw in a curveball )
They arrive at Alcatro. They are escorted into a room where they check for any weapons. We find an electronic device that reads: 3
Two posts have passed, and the people of Antarctia have developed a shield that will inform them when something enters their solar system.
Oops, I forgot nearly everything I said in my last post in the last hour. Ignore my previous post. Classified: The people of Antarctia have developed a shield that will inform them when something enters their solar system.
Antarctia accepts the alliance, and sends the information needed to construct a shield around a solar system to inform if something goes into the solar system to seal the alliance