The thing is, alot of us collectors DO mind. When items are given out for free, new and desperate players will sell thei promos cheap due to not knowing tual value of said item. This causes the vale of the item to go down the Iday firework and any other given free are worth less than the price originally at /shop. EMC iis also full of alternate account users... now back when we were at only 60k members, rupees were a little haarder to come by. Now u can make money EASY, most of my income is from sand and glaass (a while ago) I can go harvest DC of sand in about 10-15 minutes and sell it or smelt into glass and sell 3000r per Dc. It is simple to gain money on EMC, and players need to work for it. samsimx for example made 1000000r in under a week, only 1/3 of that was pre planned selling of items after he paid his alt all his money. If anyone puts their mind and hard work into it they can have the opportunity of having the rupees needed to buy promos. Sorry if it is messy type but i just spent 10minutes typing this on my tablet during lunch class starts in one minute so im out.
I do also think that it could be something like with the 60k. Everyone could get something, but cause thereis more to choose from it will not make the price drop so much.
Maybe have the items cost 7k and give each player 3500r? That way players actually have to work towards getting that next 3500r. (And if I can make 3500r in about 30 minutes, anyone can) This way players arent necessarily getting items for free, but actually have to work for it, and us players who DO have money can buy as many items as our minds imagine.
The thing is, collectors are just that, collectors. They do not sell things, they collect things. If they, (me included) are only wanting to collect they will never sell. If they, like you said, can get thousands of rupees easy why should they care about the price of items they are never going to sell off? I see no reason to be against selling the promos for less than the /shop value as all this selling/buying is what sets the price to what we know now, and if that's less than /shop, so be it. You must remember that /shop exists purely to cap prices at the high end, so it would never hit that value to start with I just really don't see where this dislike of free promos has come from, people have never seemed to care before, and if you did, you never really made it public. And frankly, judging from the posts above, it's damaging everyone's chance at a new free item. Everyone likes free stuff, yes?
Hue Hue Hue :] I think everyone should have a chance to get one - whether by /promo or being given enough rupees to buy the promo at /shop. This is a community milestone and should be celebrated by all. I understand with things like, labor day. Not everyone celebrates/has it, so people who really want to have something to remember it/collect (oh, like me!) then they can buy it from /shop. Anyways, that is my view Community milestone? Community gets praised, not only those with rupees.
Also kind of relating to what finch is saying - I play with several other family members/friends at my home (on the same IP) very frequently so if we could only get one between all of us I think we would be quite disappointed
I like it when the 60k member item was, you get the cash or you can use the cash to buy an item so then new players can get one item for free or take the cash
I vote for ##k armor, but can we make it special for now on like 70k Member Helmet 80k Member Chest 90k Member Leggings 100k Member Boots 75k Member Pickaxe 85k Member Shovel 95k Member Sword Or something along those lines
I, and lots of other people, do mind. Let's take the Halloween Head into context. It was 20,000r in shop and everyone got a free one. 4 months after the promo, it's still worth HALF of the price in /shop because everyone got a free one. It kind of disturbs the value of the items. Basically, either you want new players happy too, or you have an economy that makes sense. Can't have both. Actually, if you vote for only around a week you could get 7,000r.. So I don't know why there's complaining anyway.
Yeah, the reason ore busters are so high to this day is because they actually had a use. I am not sure if it is giving players free promos or giving players free promos with no use but being collectible that makes the price so low. I still think if possible to make it 1 promo for each pc ip like finch said....
Yes.. Not everyone can afford 3 laptops/PCs. Also, IPs are router-based. So anyone on the same internet.
Me? Nah. I have two laptops to myself and they use whatever they have But the internet we use has the same IP so all the devices may be different but it all shows up the same.