[ Forum Game ] The Legacies of Earth

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. Mining operations have been started! Each post after this post gives us resources from these mines.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Like, all of us, or only you? :confused:
    EDIT : Nevermind, learned it's only you. :p

    Other planets
    Awaiting SuchChicken's reply.

    Spud Stuff
    Spaceship Curiosus arrived at planet 4. Currently, we have learned only this.
    420°F (Estimated)

    Spud's campaign has raised mining efficiency by 20%.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Teptro starts research on Defenses.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. (I am narrating what's going on to P4 in the Spud system as I can do that.)
    A broken space ship is seen in a crater on P4. Spud astronauts are to investigate the ship.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Is Yelvo Chickens world?

  6. We offer you Yelvo
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  7. Chicken accepts and thanks you for your great kindness.
    Chicken populates the world with chickens.
    Starts to make tools out of metal
  8. While we test defenses, we send a message to Chicken

    We wish to make a transportation system between Teptro and Yolvo. Do y*o agr*e??

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Other planets
    Due to no response, Spud ends the alliance request with Chicken.

    Spud Stuff
    Spud's astronauts investigates the space ship. (Will you narrate this for me, or do I choose what to do? :p )

    Spud begins research on Sonar Wave Shields. This technology will be uplinked into the satellites, which will send Sonar Waves to each other, thus creating a shield consisting of high-velocity waves. Anything that passes through this shield without authorization will be oblitered. (Much like our atmosphere on earth. Which means there is always the possibility of the ship getting through with high-tech shields, but of course, this is private info. ;)

    Spud's campagin is beginning to lag behind. Mining efficiency has raised by 40%.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Planet Name: Quark
    Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion) Science, Chemistry, Robotics, etc...
    Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) Neutral
    Planet Number: Infinity
    Origins: (Country on Earth) Canada
    Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff) This planet used to be a star. Canadian Scientists turned this star into a land. They generated water, heat, trees, etc... This planet became very popular to scientists.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Aura's three moons have been named!
    The largest is called Lion, the middle, Tiger, and the smallest Panther.
    All the moons around Pan and Aura are being studied.

    Tanzanite has been found in large quantities under the surface as well as red diamonds. More information to be discovered.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  12. The mining operations are going well, however new technology is being created to speed up the process greatly.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. Planet Name: The Hive
    Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion): organic/expansion
    Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful): hostile
    Planet Number: 6
    Origins: (Country on Earth) ???
    Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff) The escapees had no idea what was coming. They found a planet. Perfect for life but they couldn't find anything. They should have taken that as a sign. Within days, they were dying. All of them on the verge of collapse. Their leader, who's name was long lost, fell ill first. He slowly crept into madness. A disease, virus, or monster if you want to call it that, had been living there but was unable to move for all hosts had been killed. These humans were different. They had everything they needed to survive in. Within a week, they were all gone. The technology from the humans had just merged with some of the deadliest creatures. Will anyone survive?
    (I will be trying to role play from the perspective of these creatures. Everything not in parenthesis should be read as such.
    I figured the game needed something not peaceful.)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Spud Stuff
    After exploring the ship, the astronauts found it to be an ark of sorts. It shows signs of large amounts of oxygen, despite the planet being filled with carbon dioxide. It also had water, and had it's own food supplies. Did the plants and animals come from this ship? More studies are underway.

    The SWS Project is underway. Scientists on Spud have gotten a break-through, and a test to uplink the satellites will begin soon.

    The campagin for more efficient mining methods have ended, with Spud having a 55% overall increase in efficiency of mining. Resources are being mainly used for government tests and such.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. Pan worries about this.
    Defenses are now being built, it will finish in two posts.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Why worry and waist time on defence? Destruction and domination will come anyway. We will take all who surrender to us peacefully and merge them with The Hive.
    We begin work on morphing human ships with our organic technology. Expect it soon. (5 posts after this)
    (Am I supposed to not read the spoiler stuff? didn't see anything in the rules about it but I am not sure.)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. (you can read it, but you can't use the info in there at all. If it is not in a spoiler everyone knows it)

    Pan's Defenses are up.
    Work is being done to create satellite death beams of doom Lasers and all weapons on Pan are trained at any movement in Rigel Space. (3 posts)
    More work on creating shield defenses are under way as well (4 posts)

    Notice to all Planets, any unauthorized ships will be blown to pieces. This is your warning.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. If nobody minds, I'm either going to only update my planet's status when there's been 2-3 posts since my last update, or it's been 30 minutes. :p

    Spud Stuff
    The test was successful. However, scientists have discovered one flaw. The authenticating system is broken, and therefore, no ships can leave or enter the planet without risk of being oblierated. Currently, it is being fixed.

    Spaceship Curiosus and it's astronauts are currently stuck on P4, respectively named "PotatoChip." Detailed investigations on the ark has been ongoing.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Sure brah
  20. *starts to think your a surfer dude, remembers you live in Texas* :p
    The moons have been analyzed.
    2 are made of Iron, 1 made of mostly ice, and the last two are made of unknown materials.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.