Spud requests a alliance with SuchChicken Project Unity reaches 50%. A proto-type will be in construction soon. Spud launches a campaign to create new mining strategies, to maximize the efficiency in gathering minerals.
~ Further Information about the Rigel System ~ The first planet has no moons, and no signs of life. The third show signs of a think jungle with a high content of water vapor in the atmosphere. It has 3 moons. The Last planet in the system is far from moonless. It has over 55 moons currently, but they collide with each other and are still forming so it is hard to keep track. The last planet has very high pressurized tectonics, and very active ones at that. Tests were done and it shows coal is on it's surface, meaning diamonds could have formed underneath.... Plans are being taken under way.
With information gained about "Chickens", Teptro responds We accept as long as we get both a Chicken and a Rooster (male and female). We will start finding room for this "farm". Please excuse our delay. With that sent, the Space Traveler 1.0 is 67% done.
Planet Name: Darem Planet Orientation: Organic Planet Relationship: Neutral Planet Number: 101 Origins: UK Other Notes: and Bio: Darem uses it's knowledge of the genetic makeup of most living organisms to create incredible spaceships and other forms of transport. Their culture has a profound interest in survival and combining it with their organic to create fantastic games for their people.
After a while, Space Traveler 1.0 is finished. 10 members have volunteered to take the first step to a new planet. The Space Traveler 1.0 takes off to a planet that is nearest to them. More information to come.
(Noooooo we wouldn't do anything like that) Darem accepts alliance request and begins to manufacture several hundred ZOrgs.
Spud re-sends the alliance request. Project UNITY is completed and launched, and doing so, Spud has learned about the solar system it resides in. SOLAR SYSTEM : PLETORIUS SUN PLANET 1 : UNDISCOVERED PLANET 2 : UNDISCOVERED PLANET 3 : UNDISCOVERED PLANET 4 : UNDISCOVERED PLANET 5 : SPUD PLANET 6 : UNDISCOVERED SPUD launches Spaceship Curiosus to locate the terrain of Planet 4, or P4. SPUD continues the campaign for efficient mining strategies. Currently, the efficiency rates of mining has increased by 10%.
They reach Planet 5. Once Space Traveler lands, they do Planet analysis. Land: 47% Water 53% Land. 79% of land is arable (farmable) Air: Breathable Life: Yet to be seen Size: Medium Noticing the amount of Arable land, Teptro sends a message to that Chicken planet We offer you a planet that is 47% water, 53% land. 79% of the land is arable. We would like you to take this planet in hopes of everlasting peace. We are currently unaware if there is any life. Please respond ASAP -Teptro
Pan starts mining operations on P4 in the Rigel System. To be completed in a few posts. As for names, P1 shall be known as Thanatos, P3 will be called Aura, and P4 shall be unnamed for now. Names for the moons of Aura will be given out shortly.
Planet Name: LAN Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion) Robotics Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) Neutral-Hostile Planet Number: 42 Origins: (Country on Earth) Various, Mainly Canada and UK. Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff) Constantly in motion, LAN is an expert in propulsion, able to move their entire planet through the flick of a switch. Origins unknown, only things known are that it originates from Canada and Britain.