I think an express route should be made, where it quickly tells the basic commands such as /v, and how to get to the wastelands. Another thought I had was to make it so that registering on the site gives them a small rupee bonus, and then completing a short quiz on the wiki page gives them a nicer rupee bonus.
That has been suggested before (something like a trial mod) and what is the point really? People like me who know about the server a lot and aren't mods can help with questions in the same way. Mods have to deal with them anyways.
How true... alltho about the "irritation" of the new players i have to say... i get bugged non stop by the other in school until the end...the solution is ignoram...ignorance
NONONONONO It is NOT the solution. That will make people feel unwanted and leave. Help the a little ts not like you were COMPLETELY independent when you first joined. I'm sure you asked a few questions, any shops, etc.. Btw.. Hello fiancé.
They just need some TLC. I remover some of the questions I asked 2 years ago on EMC.. You asked some that's definite but just be kind when ya can its our future generation for EMC.
It's to help the mods. These minimods can't ban or kick. It has no bounus. Their only job is help newbies with building, commands, etc.
I agree with this 10^36 times over (btw, thats how many more times the electromagnetic force of an atom is than gravity) Anyways, the modding API needs to be released. When it does, I bet that there will be a huge number of mods that come out that REMOVE features. I'm going to Stockholm later this year, and seriously considering knocking on Mojangs door and telling them to get their stuff together and release the mod api
I just don't see the point in a new position. People just help out anyways if they know a lot about this server and they help out anyways. It seems like an idea that could be approved on. Maybe they can't kick or ban but listen to town chat and go to town in wild to help a noob.
On login yes (The data value that represents time since first join only is retrieved on login anyways. Like if your still logged in when you cross the "new player threshhold", you must relogin before you are treated as not new) As for tips/wiki - that was done a few days ago. Now every tip links to the wiki. Also, new players receive 3x as many tips as normal players. Mostly everything mentioned is already done. Every new player gets a "NEXT STEP" tip in chat as they progress. It holds their hand for all of the basics on EMC, including going to the wastelands and setting up a shop. Also, joining the site gives a 1k bonus, then actually LOGGING IN to the site gives a 5k bonus. This request/reward is spammed to them every 30 mins or so if they havent registered. Though I do need to find a way to spam them to login to the site if they didnt do that but did register. If people do not log into the website, it doesn't let me track where they came from and really hurts my ability to analyze spending, so trying to give as much encouragement to go to the site. Finally, I do have plans to add rewards for using the site, such as posting. Visiting wiki could be one but im going to force redirect them there on first login anyways.... But I'll wait till more of DT is done for the rupee bonus stuff on site actions.
Also - registration is a big deal. If they don't register, then we will lose the ability to contact them after they leave. If a person leaves however, we still have a chance to get them back through email (Which after DT I will be working on getting email set up and let everyone know DT is live!) I have put a good bit of value into making sure we can reach the people who gave up on us, so they can come back and give it another shot (anyone who visits the site but never logs in will start to see EMC ads all over the internet...on nearly every website they visit with ads lol)
Essentially. If you clicked a link for a server, but then had to leave and didnt get to go check it out, and completely forgot about it.... You might not find it again. With this kind of advertising, it maximizes the potential to retain everyone a channel delivers.
The influx of new people is a good thing for EMC in the long run. You have to understand, the larger the playerbase, the better it is overall for EMC, and in turn for us as players. I do a bunch of hand holding and leading the 'new' players that have difficulty. What I have found on average, is that the younger they are, the more difficult it is for them to understand. Although after they get through the hurdles, many become pretty good players. As to why SMP7 has not been hit as “hard” as the other servers? For one I have not seen the recommended server as SMP7 yet (has it been?). I hope that the blocklag issue is fixed prior to 7 being ‘recommended’ for obvious reasons. Players that I have gotten onto EMC have left as they could not handle it. As for the new players have come to smp7, look at what happens. Myself, pandaseatramen, Pab10s, are helping out tons! I would assume there are more players on 7 helping out as well, but I got to do IRL sometimes! Between the three of us, we are ‘training’ the future generation of SMP7-ers, which someday will be our replacements. So my personal thank you to pandaseatramen and pab10s for helping new players on 7. What I see is that people have a lot of questions because they do not understand the /town, /waste, /wild, /wnether, /nether ways of this system when they are beginning. My first day, I was clueless and almost died in the wild because I did not know how to find spawn and type /home. Also, many new people seem to be unwilling to start from the ground up and go mining for resources. Most of the time they wish to spend time only in town as it is pretty difficult to go out into the wastelands. (remove all your armor, and weapons, go into the waste if you do not believe me, we veterans forget what it is like out there) The constant thing that seems to frustrate new players, is nobody answers to 'how can I make rupees?' I reply, go collect resources and sell them, and give them shop numbers to get an idea what they can sell. (and I repeat it as many times as required for it to sink in... yes some are resistant to mining, however once they start mining... they typically do not stop due to the rupees they can make.) A /help command to bring up text showing basic commands like the chat options, /msg /home /map unhide /waste /wnether (and a link to the associated livemap in case they are lost so they can see how to get back to spawn points) If they have not claimed a res yet and the player is in town, have the help indicate the commands /v open and /v claim along a link to the wiki res flags. It may be in the new players guide, but basic help being accessible anywhere is what new players need. Need help? Answer 'type /help'. Also due to the fluctuation of player abilities and questions, bear in mind that our responses in town chat, will reflect on their perception of this server, and us players as well...as other 'new' members are watching the exchange of words, and may not want to ask questions after what they see, or a lack of what they see. Remember, we are all part of the 'community' and should be helping each other out. Kudos to Bitemenow15, Torian42, Margaritte, as I have seen them most involved with the new influx of players across servers, as I’m sure it is not easy. If I did not mention other staff, don't take offense as I probably am not around when you are. Also, fantastic job Aikar, and staff what you are doing.
Question - If people aren't required to initially sign up on the website; since the website has the minecraft account integration system that looks up premium accounts on registration, doesn't this allow for people that don't sign up on the website before gameplay pose as a greater threat of being a cracked account versus premium account?