Mr. Nice now has his Rant

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olaf_C, Jan 30, 2014.


Are new players like Internet Explorer

Yes 34 vote(s) 52.3%
No 7 vote(s) 10.8%
Maybe 8 vote(s) 12.3%
Banana 9 vote(s) 13.8%
Is that how you spell banana correctly? 7 vote(s) 10.8%
  1. In every online community I've played in I've seen this happen in some way. Guilds and alliances fall apart. The game changes. Players mature and the game becomes less interesting to them. Real life interferes. There are people I've known for years that I've played multiple games with and people I only knew for weeks or months before we went our separate ways. You can pretty much guarantee that in months or a year someone who is new here now will be concerned that all of the old timers they once knew have left and that the new people annoy them. People come and go and that is just how it is.

    We have a choice to watch our community stagnate or we can take the place of the people we once looked up to who have left by fostering and encouraging new players. I play games online to play with other people so I have mostly chosen the latter wherever I have played. Sometimes I get stuck with whining, clinging noobs. Some of the kids I've met here have problems at home or aren't good at expressing themselves through chat and it shows up as misbehavior in the game. They usually grow up in game. Sometimes I meet interesting, intelligent people who just need a little boost to get started. You can't always tell who is who until you interact with them.

    This new influx of players is an opportunity for us refresh our player base. Just like we are here for the company, so are they. Cutting them off from Chat, ignoring them, or forcing them to undergo a tutorial sign-gauntlet isn't going to do half as much as us being patient with them and coaching those that need it through their initial learning curve. The people we need and want to play with are joining, but we need to keep them here long enough to filter the desirable players out from the rest.
  2. First, it would be worse. Maybe not many people would want to be a helper on the server, cause the only thing you're doing would be helping people. What is there for people that aren't "newbies" on such a server, when all their residences, friends and everything are somewhere else? This is the reason there would not be many helpers. Then also, in 30 days the majority of the new players will have done either one of the following: they left, because they didn't really like the newbie server, and they couldn't get to the "real thing" yet, or they waited a month, so they could play on the normal server, and it didn't help a bit, because they still are not prepared.

    Same as for dragon tombs: they are working on it, and already releasing parts for people to get used to(resource packs ie are a important part of the plugin API)

    We are not stalking people, are we?
    highlancer54 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Shouldn't that be "a part" not "apart"?
  4. Depends on who you ask evidently. "Depart" is maybe more appropriate.
    highlancer54 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. Soo what's the problem? Lol if people do it maybe I'm just stupid
    highlancer54 likes this.
  6. You are saying that we should have a new position but I am saying it isn't needed since there is no difference between them and normal players. Normal players do it anyways. Maybe I am stupid or we are both stupid :p.
    highlancer54, 607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. (Nah probably just me haha)
    The whole point of this thread was to make the point that noobs are... Well noobs... They don't know anything and need tons of help. Now my idea was give a group of people (NoobPolice) a, I guess, "class" that has no perks (Maybe free iron supporter) but the only job is to help newbies.
    Now what I'm confused on is if people are generally kind and help newbies... Then why this thread about why no one is/ no one wants to help... :p
    highlancer54 and 607 like this.
  8. I understand. What I am saying is the new players in large volume, which is happening. That is when it gets too much to handle. When 40%+ of the chat is new players asking questions, then it is hard.
    highlancer54, 607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. That is not what I thought this thread was about? :)

    It's about how annoying newbies are, and how they don't try and learn before they ask questions. :)

    As for a new teir of staff for 'newbie helping'. I agree it isn't needed. There's no point making Aikar or someone else spend valuable time creating yet another rank to add to the list of ranks for players and staff when there's no 'need' to do it. Players do help newbies, whether there is a rank or not won't change that.

    Besides, it's also the mods job to do that, so there is already a staff rank for it.

    I personally think it's in my best interest to help newbies. I've earned an extra few 1000 rupees from newbie needing starting gear. I answer their questions, guide them, give them my mall res # and off they go.
    When they get back from the wild/waste, they sell to me, and i pass that resource onto others. So it's all a win win, and I get to keep an eye on them and guide them as best i can with the limited time I have.
    607, Equinox_Boss and cddm95ace like this.
  10. How do you mean? I think I don't understand it anymore
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. It was a joke. The advert had a typo and said "apart" and he is talking about how some people should have it that way
    Equinox_Boss, highlancer54 and Pab10S like this.