Minecraft-mp. Smp2. Because of tardis. *facewall* http://empireminecraft.com/threads/ask-boozle.12243/ Why data of course. Neither. It is a Disney movie.
Muffins of course. Is that not obvious? And Cookies!? Why would you accuse me of suha thing!? No. Might get snow tomorrow though. I don't drink tea. Muffins. By making as many half-witted comments as I have. How stupid was I in seventh grade? Gosh.
It's an apple because it was my first completely created photoshop. I got the iron supporterships because I am redeeming a diamond supporter voucher whenever Icecreamcow/maxarias get on.
Had to switch prizes back, I learned the supporter gifts lasts only in 2013. Prize is 20k once again. A very boring but prosperous future, if all I keep doing is building farms to afk at.
I don't know. I will decide. In the mean time, PLASE do not beg for them it really gets under my skin.