[AMA]GIVEAWAY! 2000 posts!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Gibabyte, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. 11 please, is it snowing where you live?
  2. 24 please, Do you like Snapple or Arizona?
  3. 15, or if it's taken, 16 please.

    What is your favorite dessert food?
  4. 38 please.
    How can you spam so much to get 2000 posts? :p
  5. 28 please, congrads. how much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  6. Bump. Prize update!
  7. What if someone who is already a supporter wins?
  8. Minecraft-mp.
    Smp2. Because of tardis.
    Why data of course.
    Neither. It is a Disney movie.
  9. Muffins of course. Is that not obvious? And Cookies!? Why would you accuse me of suha thing!?
    No. Might get snow tomorrow though.
    I don't drink tea.
    By making as many half-witted comments as I have.
    How stupid was I in seventh grade? Gosh.
    homer71171 likes this.
  10. Then you can give the supporter to whoever you want.
  11. I'd gladly take the number 13. Thanks for the giveaway boozle. :)
  12. 22 plz
    wut was your first post? :p
  13. Why is your picture an apple and how did you get the iron supporterships? I can get nō. 50
  14. 42 please
  15. It's an apple because it was my first completely created photoshop.
    I got the iron supporterships because I am redeeming a diamond supporter voucher whenever Icecreamcow/maxarias get on.
  16. 25. What do you expect in your future of EMC?
    607 likes this.
  17. Had to switch prizes back, I learned the supporter gifts lasts only in 2013. Prize is 20k once again.
    A very boring but prosperous future, if all I keep doing is building farms to afk at.
    Parkerjv9 likes this.
  18. Now what is happening with the supporterships?
  19. I
    don't know. I will decide. In the mean time, PLASE do not beg for them it really gets under my skin.