[Already Planned] Enraged versions of all mobs

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Aikar, Jul 16, 2013.

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  1. Meh, there should be some way to sort them out of my wither skele farm.
  2. Wait no Carminite Ghast Guard is enraged and Ur-Ghast is the boss THAT would be epic.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  3. Seconded and liked.
    lameidl likes this.
  4. Enough twilight forest talk what about enraged sheep?
  5. When you shear them, they explode! :D
    It's a creep-sheep :p
    Now I see where exploding beds in the nether/end come from...
    607 likes this.
  6. *runs into enraged enderman*
  7. I want enraged players.Technically they are neutral mobs.Although they still stay on peaceful mode
  8. They would also drop more heads and maybe even a nether star, so it's still efficient.
  9. I cant wait to get more diamond easy enough from the raged mobs xD
  10. Imagine a ghast jockey. It would be a skeleton riding a ghast and they spawn enraged withers at your feet. Possible boss mob.
  11. Don't start giving Aikar ideas.
    Wildman1572 likes this.
  12. Enraged sheep... The end of all wild sheep farms.
  13. Somehow, I thought of Magikarp when you said that
  14. enraged spiders, im scared
  15. Nice! I like the feeling of having to build or find shelter before nightfall due to all of the new threats that are coming about. I always thought minecrafts mobs were too nice...like they wanted to come into my dirt house and have a cup of tea.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  16. Enraged Momentus. Oh joy.
    Wildman1572 and Elysphic like this.
  17. Enraged squid used Splash!
    Nothing happened...
    SuperVal_Junior likes this.
  18. Enraged Aikar, only spawns if Happy Maxiarias is present. :D
    607 likes this.
  19. Engraged aikar will never spawn then D:
  20. Enraged iron golems that spawn in iron farms?

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