[Already Planned] Enraged versions of all mobs

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Aikar, Jul 16, 2013.

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  1. That drop iron blocks.
  2. But what if they are immune to fire/lava damage?
  3. Enraged wither. Brace yourselves...
  4. Sadly, they said no boss mobs. I wish enraged Withers could happen though... Shoot blue Wither skulls, black Wither skulls, blaze fireballs, ghast fireballs, arrows, eggs, and snowballs for extreme projectile fun! Ok, maybe not the last two. :p
  5. Enraged chicken == Zelda?
  6. Enraged witches, wonder what hell that would bring....
  7. I vote for enraged chickens that fire eggs at you.
  8. I know :D
  9. Enraged ghasts... >.< never going to nether again
    Ark_Warrior1 and DemonThunder345 like this.
  10. Who knows what enraged Resiks will bring...
  11. Enraged withers?! D:
  12. Think Resik... Dragon Tombs Boss... if he was enraged...
  13. Bosses won't be enraged.
    And Dragon Tombs is a few weeks away Aikar time
  14. What is Aikar time? :confused:
  15. Oh...my...god.....the Enderfarm on smp9 is going to go wild...

    EDIT: ALL enderfarms will be going crazy* :p
  16. Whenever he wants.
  17. Haha!
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