
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. If Inzoino is pretty much abandoned, we could possibly use it as a more free build area.
    hollyhill105 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  2. I like that idea, but L0tad would need to approve it I guess, as it is his city and he also founded it. It would be nice to see how free building would work out here!

    also doge
  3. (Doge is our master)

    I know l0tad founded it, and hopefully he'll allow us. When I was last there, it seems most of the buildings were torn down.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.

  4. Found this in Inzoino..
  5. That is definitely peculiar... Did you make this? Not even sure who owns that church lol
  6. I don't remember making it. :p
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  7. Rest in peace little buddy.

    so cute!
    ApeEmperor likes this.
  8. Oh, lol. I forget why we made it. Something happened, so a group of us made a grave :p

    I think you fell from a high place or something :p
  9. Ya, you had died, so we made you a grave. There should be some bones in the chest under the grave. But don't grave rob.
    On the matter of boarders. I will have those soon. Been busy.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  10. Also, what is going to happen with the Milita building? As the Milita left Wrem/NR, (If I remember correctly.) it's just kind of standing there. We could always use it for the main Wrem government buildings, or for the ministry's.
  11. nothing much
    ApeEmperor likes this.
  12. I think I will begin to just explore the area around Wrem and its surrounding cities.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  13. may I ask y?
    ApeEmperor likes this.
  14. Nothing much to do. maybe I'll settle on the mushroom biome I saw.
  15. ok guys, i have decided to build a new home, and i am gonna build it on one of the mini islands beside the highway to oceania, il inhabit the one farthest to the left ... the one to the northwest of naps island. i will build a fortress for me and my friends of course .... il keep you guys updated as the project continues
  16. sound like u have some work to do
    ApeEmperor likes this.
  17. We can't touch it unless we are told its ok by high ranking Militia officials though, as it is their property. I guess they must still use it as if they didn't they surely would have taken the thing down by now. So until clearance is given we cant do anything with it
    Tonnes of new office space will be made available by all the new buildings springing up across Wrem, and the super city is still in planning! No worries for space at the moment but if someone bought over the building there is nothing stopping it being used as office space too I guess

    Nice, getting a feel for the place ;)

    Did you get perms from Oceanias leaders? It is their territory
  18. I was wondering if we had any plans for this area..

    I thought we could set it up to be a commercial/residential zone. I've always wanted to build some of my houses in Wrem, but don't know where to, and this could be a good spot. :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  19. Yes! We will develop some housing there
  20. My new bakery is almost finished!

    Just need to put in some farms in the basement (not built) and put some tables in and it will be done! :)
    Dean_Catterson and mba2012 like this.