O yha, and FYI, their was a shooting of some sort near capital hill (-_-), anyone know anything about that ?
I'll just come out and say this. I went to school for Media Engineering, and I can tell you now whether a station is biased, or not. All of them are skewed. There is a not a single news source that gives you 100% of the details. This is partially the reason for... This may seem like a conspiracy, but can you imagine the issues the government would have to deal with if they let 100% of the information out to the public? I have no idea when it began, but some where some time; somebody had to keep something from "hitting the fan." And everybody knows that there is no such thing as "one little white lie." Issues began to overlap. After going through school for Media Engineering, and talking to multiple people in the field. They will straight up tell you that are not allowed to release the "correct" information, simply because the system would not allow it. Unfortunately out country and our world is built on deception. It thrives on deception. This is why nobody knows what is actually going on, what is actually getting passed. The "real" reason for shutdown. There are always people claiming that they know why. They state their opinions, rumors begin to spread. Before you know it there are people that have no knowledge of the government being shutdown angry because their peers have convinced them that the government is corrupt, or lying, or [Fill in the Blank]. I'm not saying that the government isn't corrupt. I'm not stating any facts about the government. I'm simply saying that all sources are skewed. Therefore our country has turned into mass confusion and deception.
...But when the dice only has 2 sides that people choose to look at, and those sides are extremely flawed, or in this case, evil.. Going with the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Besides the fact that there are multiple people that run for various offices, but we only see the ones with the most money.. And they say that love of money is the root of all evil..
I don't understand why so much people are somehow blaming Obama for this shutdown, which is kind of bull. Okay, maybe the republicans don't like Obama care. Maybe they can negotiate. But NOOOO. They shut down the government, the parks, the museums. Has anyone FORGOT we are still in a WAR? I think we have. We have better problems then to bicker about Obamacare. Republicans just blame Obama for really anything nowadays. They[republicans] just need to do a vote and a negotiation and quit lying and saying how the Obama Administration is the cause of this, because the know for sure it is themselves.
I don't mean to be rude, but you just made it clear that you really don't understand what is going on.
Do you want to know who REALLY doesn't understand? And it is not me. The Republicans. If you have been updated with news, you should have seen people trying to interview some republicans senators in the streets. They have even admitted they don't know what is really going on. If they don't understand what is going on, why stop funding the government and go on the moral issue.
Again, I don't mean to be rude, but you just confirmed my previous statement. And believe me, I watch the news, read it online, and discuss it with my peers at school. Why do I observe the news? Because it is media. Why do I observe media? Because it is entertaining. Why do I enjoy entertainment? Because entertainment is something that people are interested in. Why does the media broadcast/upload entertainment? Because if they don't do something that people are interested in, they will have no viewers, which will lead to their ending. So what will the media do to make sure they survive? They will give their viewers whatever will entertain them and thus bring them back for more in the future. The point of this should be obvious now. If it isn't it will be in a few years. The people who don't understand are those who are the victims of extensive spoon-feeding. Whether thats a politician, a news watcher, someone who listens to a campaign speech, or someone who has had "their personal" views passed onto them by their parents, they all don't understand for the same reason.
Lol, you are one of the main guys that litarly never can agree with whatever I say. Before you say "I don't know what I am saying again," you need to except the fact that you are not givi a valiid point by saying I don't know what I am talking about. Maybe you don't! So stop saying that. When you become a part of the government, come talk to me. We all have a views on things, and those are called opinions. Stop treating my opinion like total crap. I know what I am talking about, you may not know what I am talking about. I am not obvious on what goes on on our everyday life. I think it is interesting to talk to your school peers and to talk about the economy. Just not saying, " I am right you are wrong." And I never confirmed your statement either. Edit: Typing this on a iPhone. There may be some mistakes.
If this is actually the case, then why does it matter? When I type up a post, I don't say "have a disagreed with them in the past?", and then use that answer to determine how I will react. I determine my reaction based on the here and now, not some prior interaction with anyone. Could you reword this please? I was never talking about the government, so I don't see why you brought it up. Also, if you know what ethnographers do, you know that someone can't truly observe and study a subculture that they are a part of. You present your "opinions" as if they are fact, and try to back them up with other "facts." If you really mean to be conveying your opinion, they way you do that isn't parallel with the general definition of opinion. I may be reading the wrong, but you just contradicted your past few statements. I feel like you took this way too personally. My first response was a bit hostile, but unfortunately there really wasn't any other way to word it that I could think of. I am just pointing out that the motivation of the news isn't to inform the public of the important truth, but to provide something that gets them views, just like any other form of media. What you heard was twisted/warped to appeal to someone on the left side of the spectrum, which is why I called your post out in the first place. Had you said something along the lines of "the liberals are trying to make the conservatives look like this is 100% their fault", I would have done the same. Had anyone said either of those, I would have done the same. Not because of the person behind the words, but because of the words themselves.
Good lord the sass in that comment. I like to imagine that you also Z snapped and sashayed away like "GUUURL DON'T START WITH ME! UH-UH I AIN'T PLAYIN!" In all seriousness, we all have our opinions but don't take things too far and too personal. Jk wasn't trying to insult you and I didn't find his posts rude until yours came across rude and telling him he had no idea what he was saying and to come talk to you when he became part of the government. Lets keep it civilized guys
Yeah guys, let's keep this non personal. This is simply a discussion on what we feel is happening. It is not a forum to pit Republicans vs Democrats or anything like that. Let's just chill and play some Minecraft eh?
I understand that, what I am saying is that we need to keep to posts less personal. This is discussion thread, not a fighting and bickering thread.
One thing I am missing in this whole discussion is the solidarity in a society . IMHO, this is a main argument for governmental instantiated health care (doesn't need to be via taxes or gm funded). There is always stronger and weaker members in a group, nevertheless all should have the same rights. When it comes to health care, for the sake of humanity, this is most important. I think, this is kind of the idea on the old continent and therefore people have difficulties understanding the aversion of US citizens towards such a system. Here is an example: There are some disease, like diabetes, that are directly linked to the way of living in a given society. While some people make a fortune of selling unhealthy products many others suffer from the consequences. It is a challenge not only for the individual but for the whole society to deal with that. I'd like to say, it is not a single person or family that make a country. The healthier everybody is, the better on the long run. greetz
Um, No. What is going on in Afghanistan and Iraq, is officially deemed a police action, The war was finished when the troops were returned Dec. 23rd, 2011.. Unless, of course, the White House Administration is "lying".. Besides the fact that the Obamacare act being flawed in theory. If you want to condemn the Republicans for trying to stop flawed laws from going into effect, then I am guessing you also turned a blind eye to the democratic support of SOPA, PIPA, and the NDAA bill that President Obama actually signed into effect.. ..We all know that the administration is lying but that is besides the point, after all, the biggest liar always wins.. <,<
As a tax-paying, veteran of the country in discussion, there came a point where I stopped watching the government. I do not blame the government for my hardships, they are mine. I do not blame a single party for the mess we are in, but we are most definitely in it. Jeremy (IcecreamCow) will attest to the fact I often do not get involved in the political debates that happen. (Even among our staff it happens) But I just wanted to say one little thing here. I have had the solid belief that the people that claim to represent our country, very much do not. The majority of Americans of voting age are actually 10 years younger than the Average Age of our Congress members. Yet, our smallest voting demographic is actually my generation. And it makes sense. When you watch people bake a cake, it smells great, looks great, and the idea of eating that cake sounds amazing. However, if that person overcooks a cake... you will not eat a piece and definitely not claimed you cooked it. It is ruined. We need a new cake. Our government is failing, but not at fault of a single person's decision. Or even a single party. Our country if failing because corruption and money have filled every available vein in our democracy. Do I wish it were different? Yeah, of course I do. But honestly, my every day life is little affected by this shutdown, or by many other decisions that are made in government. I do not ignore them, I know they are there, I know someday I will wake up when one decision does effect me or my family. But I will deal with it. I will find a way to make it work. One day, there will be something, a spark, a movement with real cause. If you view things like Reddit they tell you that time is soon. I doubt it, the majority of people these days depend so much on anonymity, I doubt many can even talk to their friends face to face. More or less develop a campaign that could actually reform something as massive an undertaking as our government. But someday, there will be someone with charisma, and strength, who can stand up and say 'This government has brought me, and millions upon millions of people, to the edge of tolerance, and we need a change'. This person will need to fearless, because many will not listen, many will note the bravery and move on. There will be enemies who will try to thwart his advances.... but the message will be heard, and the movement started. I hope I am around to see it. But right now, I have a family to take care of. I can not turn and tell my daughter that today I have to be mad about the government. I take her to school, and I go to work. I bring home a paycheck, we sit and watch a movie, and play some video games. Go outside and climb trees. Its sad that the actions of our government stretch into our homes the way they do. Not only do we have two parties arguing with each other about how much less wrong the other has done. But, these arguments extend to people, who fall victim to the reporting of one side or the other. Believing that simply because one is a Democrat, or Republican, they are ignorant to the other side. They are both wrong about a lot. They are both right about some. But, I feel like at some point, our representation became much less about the good of the people, and became about the interest of those on capitol hill. You wanna do something? Want someone to hear you? Write about it. Get everyone in your town/county/district to write a letter, or make a phone call to your representative. Do not say 'I do not like the government shutdown'. Choose your words. 'I have been repeatedly and relentlessly brought to awe of the irresponsibility of our nation, and how it is run. Not just by You, Sir (or Madam), but the whole.' Time and time again we all hear 'its Obama's Fault' or 'The Republicans are doing it', to be honest.. as long as the people see two separate entities, we are losing. We should be united. There should one time every two years where everyone can choose sides, like any sports season. After that, it is for the whole. If something goes wrong, its everyone's fault. If something goes right, the team wins. We are divided by ourselves and its disgraceful. But one can only hope for a difference. It will not be today. Because today people care to much about the fight in government. But someday, people will grow weary, and just force it to stop, instead of giving it attention. If you have a kid, and they are showing out. You have options, you can tell the child to stop, or discipline them for misbehaving, or simply ignore them altogether. The worst thing to do is give in to the child. They will only continue to act out for their desires, because it worked. Our government is simply, acting out. I realize now I have typed quite the wall of text, and apologize. But I just know I read everyday at these kinds of things, and search for something that makes sense. But its all nonsensical to me. The way people can choose to blame the other, with knowledge that they do not know everything required. I simply submit that our country is bad, and know that someday it will change.