We must end this

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Olaf_C, Oct 1, 2013.


Which is best?

Poll closed Dec 10, 2013.
Pies 26 vote(s) 25.0%
Muffins 29 vote(s) 27.9%
Why not both? *Mexican Music. 49 vote(s) 47.1%
  1. Agreed.
    porphos likes this.
  2. therefore you have been wrong about saying muffins are better:D
  3. I admited it. Neither are better. Bacon is best.
  4. PIE LOVERS WE HAVE WON! *Does the happy dance*
  5. You made a Colbert reference. I now love pies. You won.
    Cordial_Pie and porphos like this.
  6. Whoever said I wasn't :cool:
    For all you know, I could be an alt.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. Oh I know you are an alt, but that was a lonnnnnnnggggg time ago, and most people from then already have had alts for a while. :p
  8. I honestly don't see why you are bashing us for this, and why you chose the words, "Tone it down". But to avoid a flame war, I'm not going to question it.

    Sorry, what i ment was it is all in good fun.

    porphos and princebee like this.
  9. Enchilada flavored Tamales and Tamale flavored enchiladas :D
  10. I'm going to be honest. Its practically a topic-disease. It somehow makes it into a lot of threads, almost every thread that both brick and cordial are in, and it personally discourages me from continuing on in that thread. It would be like if I talked about [insert game here] in every thread, and then someone else always had a differing view on it. It would get old fast for everyone who isn't inside that sub-discussion. So when I say to tone it down, I meant exactly what I said after it. Please, just respect that not everyone wants to see it in every thread, and keep it out of threads that it isn't meant to be in.
  11. ^
    I agree with everything said here, I don't like derailing threads, but, for 'entertainment' I guess, people assume: oh hey, cordial mentioned muffins and pies, brick HAS to post something back at her.
    I mean... the ONE thread I did derail by myself, was basically a thread made by DemonThunder, that... there was no point to it, so yea >_<
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. Now it is much clearer.
    This thread WAS made for this topic, which is why i brought it up.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  13. Poles vs. Polls should actually be the debate here.

    Also, while pies and muffins are both baked goods that are sweet....they are generally consumed at different times. Cakes and pies...maybe. Muffins and crepes...maybe. But you are nearly putting bacon and steak up against each other.
    brickstrike, Olaf_C and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Yes, bow down to me muffins. Now who wants to debate pie VS cake?
  15. You just started a new war...
  16. The cake is a lie...
    snow_freak likes this.
  17. And she just restarted AND made a new one.
    If the cake is a lie, so are pies. Sorry cordial, but, sometimes there is no winner.
  18. So I say pies are the best food ever. (next to bacon, of course.)
  19. that is the truth!