Uh, so this means what?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mba2012, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. So you're telling me there's something wrong with this http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/30/us-employers-slash-hours-avoid-obamacare ? The elitists in government would never abuse power or make us accept something that was a negative for this country! We need to just relax, submit and trust them, because them forcing us to buy this just shows they have our best interests in mind. ;)

    wisepsn, jkjkjk182, Olaf_C and 2 others like this.
  2. To be honest the government is already so inactive and not able to get stuff done a shutdown wouldn't make any difference :rolleyes:.
  3. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. it means Obama is FAILING but what can I say i live in the uk and half the politicians should be shot!
    mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  5. I hate to live here...
    battmeghs and Olaf_C like this.
  6. basicly their going to go in to a recession just like the uk did and is in
  7. NPR is the only true non-bias news organization. Fox is the worst of all of them but CNN is still bad too (i can't ignore that fact). A college teacher was talking about how she wouldn't allow and information used in papers from the news organizations of Fox and The Onion (THe Onion is a joke news website) and she would rather have you use sources form the onion. Both sides have flaws but i don't think the republicans are being as sensible as they should be with this.
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  8. Ummhmm....
    Olaf_C likes this.
  9. ... i cannot believe you just said they would never abuse the powers they have and that WE are really... their best interest. i think i may have just fell off my computer chair. exactly what koolaid are you drinking to believe that? :confused:
    HillbillyBeastly likes this.
  10. Sorry, as a Democrat, I find offense to that. Let's try to stay away from politics k :p
  11. I never said anything regarding democrats. Our current administration is made up of both sides and nothing I said was offensive unless you're working in our government, and if you are, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    That's one of the issues that this administration has made very clear though. They want it to be a left vs right thing to keep the attention off all the bs that they do...and clearly, it's worked.

    Also, in a topic about "government" you might want to not click this one if you're staying away from politics.
  12. I took it as sarcasm, I hope it was.
  13. I am leaning away from the GOP and democrats but I am leaning away less from the democrats.
    MrUnknownian likes this.
  14. ICC, monitor this post to make sure it doesn't get too intense or develop into a flame war.
  15. Let me answer the question though that the original dude asked so we can end this kinda quickly.

    What does this mean?

    • A lot of government people get a paid vacation day (not now, but they'll get it back in backpay, regardless of what you hear)

    • If you were planning on visiting the Statue of Liberty or a National Park today, sorry find other plans.

  16. I forgot the parks were closed. I was going to go off roading today. How disappointing :oops:.
  17. cept all those deadly animals
  18. Any state or city parks should still be open I think, only the national ones had to close.
  19. Most of Australia's deadly animals are rarely seen (box jellyfish only seen just after a cyclone or a hurricane whatever it's called in America and when there are very warm waters) the rest the deadly animals don't attack people, only if you go up the them and start hitting them and saying bite me now.

    Just added a little joke :)
  20. As a Green Party member myself, I am just going to quote some wise people for all of the Democrats and Republicans here:
    It this is not clear, The Founding Fathers, the people who fought to free the people of the United States from the monarchy, to give them a country where they could be free to pursue happiness and freedom, were against political parties. They saw what is happening today over 200 years ago and warned us that political parties would ruin our freedoms.
    penfoldex, Olaf_C, jkjkjk182 and 6 others like this.