[Updated] Tutorial

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Maxarias, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. They do. There are hidden buttons throughout the tutorial and when you click it you get some rupees and a nice item.
  2. It would be good if you were able to sign-up in the tutorial

  3. Aikar said it is being worked on, but in fact I like it the way it is, cause now we can get more people to the forums, which are a great part of EMC
  4. Interview time! *stares at a new player*
  5. 2013-09-29_21.21.56.png
    To whoever wrote those signs... yes, all my yes :)
    607, cddm95ace, Olaf_C and 1 other person like this.
  6. Going online now.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  7. I love the turtorial thx emp staff
  8. Great tutorial! Not like I spent 1 hour in the old tutorial.
  9. I only found two..
  10. Woah!
  11. So a suggestion to change it, a example would be this code in python (just an example, I know it actually runs Java) there is user_input which allows the person who started the script to enter in information, so there could be several of these saved as variables, such as name, email, etc. Each variable could then be saved into a list function that could be sent to EMC's servers.

    Edit: I made an example code here, just click the arrow to start the code.

    import datetime
    import string
    #Empire Minecraft example registration
    #What is run in the code is what would be done in chat
    #Python 2.7
    name = raw_input("Please enter your minecraft username, which will also be used as your forum username")
    password = raw_input("Please enter your minecraft password for verification and forum password")
    email = raw_input("Please enter your email address, an email will be sent to complete registration")
    referral = raw_input("If you were referred to EMC by another member, please enter their username here, or press enter to skip")
    dateofbirth = raw_input("Please enter your date of birth in the following way, mo/dy/yr")
    regdate = datetime.date.today().strftime("%B %d, %Y")
    userinfo = [name, password, email, referral, dateofbirth, regdate]
    print string.translate(str(userinfo), None, "'")
    #from here the information (userinfo) could be sent to EMC's servers for storage
  12. I was looking at xharo's thread and I have to admit, the new tutorial would be somewhat confusing for a new member. You need to have a fairly solid basis on everything already to be able to navigate the tutorial.
    wisepsn likes this.
  13. Truthfully, yes, I got lost at several points, and the hints just confused me, you could always replace the hints with telling you to do something
    Olaf_C and cddm95ace like this.
  14. That would render the entire idea of the tutorial (i.e that the player actually learning the ways of EMC) quite useless, as they wouldn't be learning anything if they got blatantly told what to do, would they?
  15. I think he means that the questions and things are good, but sometimes it's not clear where to go for next question.
  16. I think that is what he meant, but I think his solution to that is to tell you exactly what to do. And then rainbow said that then it would take away the purpose of the tutorial because you are supposed to learn through trying not by being told what to do.
  17. We actually agree with this and will be doing some tweaking. I saw a couple people that were not sure how to get out of the "claim a res room". More or less for that one we basically just need to let people know: "To move out of this room, use the commands to claim an open residence."
    Olaf_C likes this.
  18. I wish the stuff on the signs wasn't white-my texture pack uses white-on-wood signs.

  19. Having fun with friends searching Easter Eggs ^^
  20. Grrr. I only found one so far. If anyone wants to search with me while I'm online, be my guest. :)