What is stage.empire.us?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ArkWarrior1, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Sounds like you had fun there...
  2. Including Aikar spawning 10s of hundreds of silverfish. :p
  3. Already happed... look up EmpireMinecast
    Olaf_C and THE_LEGEND4 like this.
  4. Gadget_AD, Olaf_C, 607 and 2 others like this.
  5. Test lag?
    Let all the EMCERS on the server and pay the rupees to blow the world apart.
  6. Yes...that's why I spawn hundreds of bosses on you guys...to test lag. Let's go with that.
  7. :D
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. Unrelated thought... what if the server lagged down to 1 tps nd everyone had to play 1k to get it to stop... Aikar, where are you?
  9. I've been on the even secreter server, DEV, all weekend working on tutorial :p
    heres the address I connect to:!
    Olaf_C, mba2012, collect12 and 6 others like this.
  10. I wonder what happens to ICC's single player worlds. Kinda like mine i guess, ahh, a brand new world :) *pucnhes tree* wait there's something missing... *gets in creative mode* TNT FOR DAYS!!!
  11. ....no ones going to say it? Ok...I will.

    There's no place like it!!!!
  12. DEV.empire.us
  13. Nope, Good try though. Would be way to obvious
  14. randomsupersecretdevserver.empire.us or
  15. lol, I would love to see how many people tried to connect with that :rolleyes:
    THE_LEGEND4 likes this.
  16. its actually (aikars middle name).(max's favorite brand of shoes).us
    607 and Gadget_AD like this.
  17. Lol I do know Max's favourite brand of shoes lol.
  18. Yea.... Welcome to your LAN.
    gollark8 and 607 like this.
  19. even if someone did find it, anyone whos joined in the last year of EMC wont exists in the database anyways lol, and whitelist is on.
    607 likes this.
  20. What database? :confused: