What is stage.empire.us?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ArkWarrior1, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. :cool:
    Chascarrillo and princebee like this.
  2. I have been around for a long time, but I wouldn't want to go getting banned for snooping around trying to find "secret" things.. xD .. The villagers tell me enough secrets when I find their secret temples and pyramids in the SMP6 and Utopian wilds.. xD
    ..Besides for those that do not know.. is a local network address, so this secreter server is likely hosted locally in Aikar personal servers (If not locally in the EMC server towers), as it likely a LAN world, so chances are Aikar's secreter server is an Single player world loaded on a LAN as an SMP server. xD
    princebee likes this.
  3. It's a magical place where lava walls grow on trees
    THE_LEGEND4 and gollark8 like this.
  5. Corrected
  6. And water falls upside down, while the economy is being ruined constantly by
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  7. by...... ?
  8. Here is a fun Screenshot from the Town Spawn on the Top Secret Dev Server.
  9. I have a friend with a shirt that says and under it it says "there is no place like home"
    He has a lot of shirts like that.
    mba2012, Chascarrillo and chickeneer like this.
  10. Hmm last year you say:D
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  11. I assume that is ICC mobdisguised as a horse. And you are killing him to show that Kfc is better than a steakhouse.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  12. Nope, just a regular horse :p
  13. The place is where the staff test things for us to use.
    If players just entered it Emc would fall.
    You might think its just lava and TNT. (Some of it is)
    Stage is a copy of smp9 town.
    They DO joke in it but You shouldn't mess around with it.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  14. Party crasher :mad: :p
    DemonThunder345 likes this.
  15. anyone remember the ICC TnT house? i think it was streamed
  16. I remember the "Look what ICC did" video, he literally made a house (with windows) out of TNT :p
    Monster_ likes this.
  17. Yep; i was in that video :p. It was on utopia if i remember correctly... AND he blew up under a sandstone road ;-:
  18. Do you guys hold daily TNT sprees? :) (guessing thats ICC's idea)
    Also I think ICC should sponsor the youtube "explodingTNT"