
Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by RainbowChin, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. That is odd, you should have the right ones then.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  2. english and idk the computer
  3. i have these " "
  4. Yes, use those.
    Why weren't you using them before?
    Qkazooo likes this.
  5. i WAS...
  6. Well, it's very weird, certainly different to the other ones.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  7. Pigmen exist, do they not?

    (Not zombie pigmen but pigmen)
  8. nope.
  9. For a few effects, above 127 is not negative. I cannot remember which ones, however, though I believe 255 works for 21 and 22.
    607 likes this.

  10. Oh, and I improved on this one
    /summon Skeleton -161.40 5 -708.43 {Equipment:[{id:261},{id:301,tag:{display:{color:3361970}}},{id:300,tag:{display:{color:3361970}}},{id:299,tag:{display:{color:3361970}}},{id:298}],CustomNameVisible:1,CustomName:"Merliz",Riding:{id:Bat}}

    I can't make the leather hat blue as that would take me over the character limit of command blocks
    Qkazooo, bloodra1n, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  11. How did I not think of this before?
    Qkazooo, gollark, 607 and 2 others like this.
  12. what is the command for an enderdragon i have an idea but i need that command
  13. /summon EnderDragon ~0 ~0 ~0

    (its case sensitive
  14. The mobs which you have all made look really cool question is who can make the best?
  15. There is only a texture file for it, but it doesn't exist :p
  16. ooh, it's not about competition now :p
    Qkazooo and PenguinDJ like this.
  17. Imagine if EMC would use such coding for mobs with custom clothing, with enchantments, damage reduction/resistance, difference in sizes... so many possibilities...
    It all looks very promising to me!
  18. Oh, Aikar already does :)
    The example you quoted there is actually similar to our own Marlix.
    Marlix itself wears all the special armour and weapons that you can get as drops.
    It rides around on an invisible bat with resistance IV to make it invincible. :)
    Qkazooo and bloodra1n like this.
  19. Yeh I know its no competition but they are still cool