Hay guys! It's been awhile... I might aswell explain exactly what happened. I insulted the EMC staff while sticking up for AlexHallon. I wasn't thinking right - because I have absolutely no problem with the staff. They're all amazing and do a great job of nursing the server (if that's how you look at it ). I got banned about two months ago, and appealed it about a month ago. In the time it took to be unbanned, I went on holiday, grew about 2 inches taller, and started my first week of Year 9... but what can I say? It was worth the wait. But there's a catch to all this... I can't screw this chance up, since it's my final chance. If I get banned again, I cannot appeal again and will never be allowed back. And this won't happen - I promise you guys that I'd like to thank the EMC staff for allowing me back I'm over the moon right now thanks to you guys, lol. So annywaaay... I have a 16 hour wait until i'm allowed back in-game. Until then, you guys can talk to me... right here.
No idea when the gold supporter will be back, unfortunately... And when it does come out, it won't be out of my mum's money anymore