Okay, so he died and returned there as a ghost, or he survived and returned there during Take Back the Night, after the villagers explored the ruins.
But in the video it looks nothing like water. It looks like a road. But if the king survived, then he never came back... I guess he just gave up his kingdom to the monsters if he survived.
There was deffinately a river https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=2B1bsKU1SQA#t=664 That is at the exact time where sparkles tells you there is water there
Fine, like princebee said the shading of youtube messed it up. Okay, there's river then. Everybody is saying there is! But it just looks like a road! Well, all the king wanted was for himself to live. But I don't know if he returned back to his kingdom in Take Back the Night.
It looks like a road because youtube's video shading is horrible. Captain Sparklez did say it was a river. When Capyain Sparklez make the behind the scenes video, he will probably explain what happened to the king.
It's either he washed away and swam to continue on his life, or he drowned. Dunno, something happened to him.
http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=OrIPF-t5ewE&feature=c4-overview&list=UUshoKvlZGZ20rVgazZp5vnQ Repeated Audio
No, years later he returned to his fallen kingdom. And then the king's story ends and his son's story begins.
He didn't drown, because at the end of fallen kingdom,(after he jumped in the water), you can see him lying down, looking at his kingdom, looking sad.
That's the thing! No one knows! Captain Sparklez never said what happened to the king when Take Back the Night came.
Well, because the son was the main character in Take Back the Night. The king just became left out and old school, everyone can care less about him, and focused on the son.
Now that I looked at it again, it looks a lot like a road again. In the corner of the "river" you can see some of the blocks from the bridge the creeper blew up. They don't look like they're floating, or that they're drowning. They're just sitting there. Also, the river doesn't have water texture, it looks more stone like. I'm not trying to ruin anybody's theory, I'm just trying to point stuff out... I looked at it in full screen.
I just noticed something else! In the corner with the blocks from he bridge, you can sort of see a gold and red bridge. Underneath that might be a river, but where the king is falling, it looks like a sold stone road. It might've been a river or a ditch that's under the bridge.
No No no no! Look at Captain Sparklez behind the scenes video about Fallen Kingdom! He even says there was water, but youtube messed it up due to shading.