End world temporarily disabled on all servers

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. i left out that he said mined 8-9 stacks of diamonds.Check the Chat files. If he didn't cheat but Dark_Beta did he knew Dark_Beta cheated becuase Dark_Beta has the flags to the res therfor He knew about the exploit and should have Reported it meaning he should at least he banned for 1 day.
  2. So like the Nether Portal glitch? (only for single player)
  3. Cool! So that's how you do it! I think there might be a similar nether portal duplication glitch.
  4. Who were the diamond supporters? Did they get banned infinitely?
  5. just asking where is the end portal I've looked constantly with no avail
  6. If I'm correct with Square you can track all tex packs and mods right?
  7. I dont think you can track texture packs. Correct me if Im wrong though.
    MEINCRAVTA likes this.
  8. I would sneak iTron's grave up right now, with my best troll skin
  9. I mine all the time and I am lucky if I find 12 a week lol.... I just learn to do without them...lol
  10. Youtube, my friend

    X-ray texpacks probably tho
    thecontroller likes this.
  11. yes i would know, i have a res i appreciate and i enjoy it. are you accusing me of anything?
  12. No i like your res
  13. oh thank you then, but your one of the only people who like it apparently saying as i got almost last in landscape contest
  14. I liked your entry :)
  15. Blood you have some VERY good points. This thread was meant as a warning, and a way for Justin to let us know as a COMMUNITY that he will deal with those that did this accordingly. Nowhere in there did he say, please list every person you feel should be banned and the reason why. He wanted us to know that the admin and mods are taking action when it comes to this matter, not that any of us ever doubted they would.
    BloodDisciple and ob1bob69 like this.
  16. Do we know when the End is coming back on?
    margaritte likes this.
  17. So, I'd really like to go get some endstone :D Hows it coming? Not sure if I should waste pearls if its still disabled :p
  18. One of my Minecraft mottos:
    I make all my own skins.
  19. The End portal one works in SMP. The Nether portal one does not work in SMP.
  20. I haven't had time to look into the end yet, my focus is 100% on 1.2 at the moment. Perhaps they fixed it though :)