What's one thing that makes you very angry, very fast?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SpaceShuttleFan, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. just had mashed potatoes for dinner, are you proud of me?
    Equinox_Boss and Choongjae like this.
  2. My sister
    'nuf said
  3. People who post off topic posts on a thread...
  4. Any form of bullying, I don't tolerate that.
  5. More things:
    Racist people
    People that think that they control the world
    People that hate guns
    Naughty dog, because they stop making Crash Bandicoot games
    I hate lag!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. When apple takes a product for 500 bucks and makes it 5000 bucks and I still buy it.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. About the potato thing... Have you ever tried a twice baked potato?

    That is all. :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. When I get killed in the nether and I go back and discover that the zombie pigmen have put on my clothes and are walking around holding my weapons...and I have to fight for my stuff to get it back. It makes for some interesting gameplay but man, that sword was sharp. I had to build walls around the oinker who took it and gradually wear it down while being spat at by 2 very excited ghasts...
  9. People totally ignoring a request. In local chippy I ask for a pie supper (consists of both deep fried scotch pie and chips). Once dished out into a cardboard box I am asked "Salt 'n' sauce" (yeah I'm fae the east coast, you weegies can go an stick you vinegar....). I reply "only a wee drop" implying I only want a small amount of both. They then proceed to add so much salt and sauce that the chips become buoyant and start floating. One time I am sure the pie even started to float. That is not the end of it, remember the container is a cardboard box which is now wrapped in paper. Neither are well known for their liquid holding capabilities. By the time I get home I am now carrying a partially disintegrated box with chippy sauce running down my arm. I now need a plate which defeats the 'no cleaning of dishes afterwards' reason for getting a chippy. Was it worth it, hell yeah, chippies are the scots ambrosia.
  10. Oh that makes me miss Aberdeen. We don't have anything like that in the USA (well in Colorado at least). The closest thing you can get to a pie supper here is called a "pot pie with fries" and it's just not the same at all.
    Equinox_Boss, ZBSDKryten and Bigdavie like this.
  11. Arrogance, can't stand it. There's a fine line between being confident and being a pain in the backside.
  12. That doesn't solve the problem, does it? that just exacerbates it :( especially if they have the same attitude as you!
  13. Grafiti.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Do not go to any town or city in Northern Ireland, ever.
    These places covered in graffiti appraising the IRA, the RAAD, the UVF and the UDA (depending on what area you're in).
    I used to live in a small village with around 500 people in it. Mostly residential, only significant landmarks were a mill, a convenience store, a dairy factory, a church and a school. I lived quite near the factory. One morning, I woke up, looked out the window, and saw that the factory had graffiti on it, in big black lettering. This factory is on the main road going through the village btw.

    The lettering said 'FLAG THIEVES WILL BE SHOT! ....MURRAY?" Basically, whoever put it up was a hardcore Protestant, called 'loyalists' in Northern Ireland, because every lamppost in the village had a Union flag up on it, all erected by local people. They didn't want people stealing the flags, so they put out a threat through everyone's favourite form of media, vandalism.
    Equinox_Boss and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  15. When you know that a person is lying, but you know the truth.

    When you ask them the truth, but they still deny it.

    Or if you tell them the real truth, they still deny it!

    Also, must of the people at my school and in my class! :mad:
  16. When people judge or disapprove of certain relationships...
    I must say I'm a believer of loving whoever you want to.
    jkjkjk182, Jcplugs, DeadSkaia and 3 others like this.
  17. Yes. ^
    Equinox_Boss and kuraudochuu like this.
  18. I like cake.

    I get annoyed by stupid stuff like "swag" or "yolo".
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. When people call me a liar. One of my best qualities is that I am honest. When people choose to call me a liar, I usually can't handle it, and I have to leave the room before I hurt someone. I work very hard to keep myself perfectly honest. Atleast it pays off when they find out I was telling the truth.
    jacob5089, jtc0999 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. Like me? :3