No. Wrong. Did you read the rules of the OP? You are never forced or should be feel forced to do a dare. Its all for fun, which means if you don't accept a dare it doesn't mean you are banned, lol. (DO NO REPLY WITH DARE)
I know. I didn't want his money; it's a game. If he wanted to back out, fine. I was never forcing him to.
PenguinDJ, I dare you close minecraft in the middle of the night in a flat place in the wastelands with no armor on and a beacon in your inventory and no food. Wow that was long.
xHaro_Der, I dare you to travel to X: 100,000, Z: 100,000 on EMC, take a screenshot, then kill yourself. I dare you not to dare me back.
One day per post, and I'll pass because I'm like always in town lol Goofballbroker, I dare you to PM Aikar and get a reply
I have many PMs with aikar, but I cannot make any more now that you cannot PM him w/o him following you. Therefore, that dare is not possible.
I'm talking about in game lol. Forums would be a piece of cake if he follows you, but in game.. Good luck
I dare you to figure out this riddle without asking anybody, and using any external resources to find the answer. "What is the thing that has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night?" When you think you found the answer, put a sign at your res with the answer, and reply to this post with your res #. If I determine it's incorrect, you must pay me 1r. (I'm trustworthy.) Nobody give him any hints.
Here's a pixel art of the very first computer game I could remember. And it only took an astounding.. 1,450-ish rupees! :3 (Don't reply with dare.) (Actually, nobody replied a dare to my earlier one. -.- ) (Also, i'm horrible at pixel art.)