I Dare You!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by wisepsn, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. XD anyways, back to the dares.

    I dare you to sell me a stack of emeralds for 100r
    (Is that a legal date lol xD)
  2. I dare you to give it back to me for free xD
    (no I don't think so)
  3. Brick strike I dare you to make a giant wool happy face on ur res :)
  4. DragonFlame356 I dare you to change your skin to a Dora skin for a week and change your avatar on the forums to it, also.
  5. I dare you to come all 100k blocks back to give me your head.
  6. Bunkerllama, I dare you to place at least 100 cakes on your res :p
    jrm531 likes this.
  7. HAHA no
  8. Challenge accepted. :cool:
  9. Deal

  10. Your turn. I dare you to make a water wall in the name of Volt.
    *do not reply with a dare*
    cddm95ace and jacob5089 like this.
  11. Does it have to be solid water
  12. Please edit your posts instead of double posting :)
  13. Can I pay you 600r to stop this bet?
  14. No.
  15. 1,000
  16. Sorry
  17. I give up, Read the rules, it's ok.
  18. just make up a story if anyone asks.
    "Hey, why are you wearing a Dora skin?"
    "Well, It was 10 years ago tomorrow... I was on a cruise ship, going to the Caribbean from London... We hit something. I was the only one to make it, besides a Dora the Explorer Doll. She was my friend, but on the day of my rescue I lost her. I wear this skin now in her honor. *tear in eye* "
  19. Ok.