A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Woo..was at camp.
    What happened?
  2. I put up a trade for a silver shimmerscale. :)
  3. Lol I was at camp too. What if we met each other became best friends and never realized it :confused:
    Lol why has nobody put an offer on my tinsel?
  4. I'll offer a tinsel for your tinsel.
  5. Color?
  6. I was joking.
  7. Oh... :oops:
  8. I have a Gold Tinsel, though if you want it.
  9. Sure. I'll trade my silver one for it.
  10. I already have a collection of Silver Tinsels, I don't need a new one.
  11. I can still give you the one I have, I just don't need any more.
    607 likes this.
  12. Helllppppppppppppppppp!!!

    I guess this experiment went too far.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  13. I think it just hatched…
  14. Yea...it hatched...
    I'll make a couple more experiments soon.
  15. New dragons have arrived…

    There's one of them.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. Where'd did you get!
    Nvm found one :p
    EDIT- Nabbed another new one.
    penfoldex likes this.