A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Also, I am willing to trade a silver shimmerscale for a thunder dragon, It is the last oneI need to complete te trio.
  2. I must get a new drag!
    jacob5089 likes this.
  3. Ps, I am really lucky. From the ap:

    Second shimmerscale in a row. :p
    jacob5089 likes this.
  4. It was a copper.. I have stopped breeding mine.. Any dragon above CB (even 2g PB) is worthless for trading on the DC forums.. T-T
  5. Thanks to this thread I joined about 5 mins ago (my new eggs are in my new sig)
  6. Want an egg? My scroll name is Captain_Engineer. Feel free to ask for something.
  7. I don't know how to ask and I can't have any more eggs lol
  8. I can just send you a link to click and it will automatically give you the egg. And I can wait for some of your eggs to hatch.
  9. I have a hachling! :D and another egg. Also thanks!
  10. Ok my eggs seriously need clicks :eek:
  11. Did you put them on a click site?
  12. I haven't been taking care of my eggs at all. Actually, I'm losing interest in the site. I haven't been on much, and haven't looked for a new egg in over two weeks.
  13. Whats a click site?
  14. Click sites are sites where you can go, and every so often the page get updated with new eggs, and so automatically getting clicks. You can add your own eggs there, but when you did that I should leave the page open in your browser and also view the eggs or others, just for being fair/doing something back. My favorite one is dragon egg soup, when you google "dragon cave"one of the first results will be a page of click sites on the dragcavewiki.
  15. imagine ... this is what your dragons look like when you release them as adults or abandon them when they are babies... lmfao
    Nole972 and autumnrain26 like this.