The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. An iron farm is definitely a potential cause of lag. It's not my department, but may I suggest a different build area? It's about 200 blocks away from Wrem.
    A bridge will soon be built to the south of Wrem (the grey line). You need a place somewhat far from Wrem, but you need transportation there too. I think the yellow box represents a good balance - not too close to any city, but easily accessible. I suggest you ask ants4235 if there's a good spot for the farm near the bridge - you may be able to build a station connecting the two.
  2. Great Idea!
  3. I've recently noticed there have been a whole bunch of lagstorms, even when there is hardly anyone on. Can anyone provide a solution to the problem?
  4. It's smp 9, not just your area. The cause of the problem is not yet known, but will eventually be found.
    SoulPunisher and mba2012 like this.
  5. I had an idea to build a public farm in wrem, though I may need a little bit of help...
  6. Wrem actually has a public zombie grinder, darthin and I built it. :)
    When Wrem expands to that area, I plan to get a plot on the location :D
    L0tad likes this.
  7. i think i figured out what caused the enderman to go inside, it rains almost constantly in Wrem . Enderman do not like the rain. So it is more than likely the enderman sought refuge in your tower.
  8. I think the rail to Stoneguard has been griefed. All the powered rails are gone.
  9. We should call in a mod, we need to find who the thief is.
  10. I'll get the EMC investigator up and report it to a mod.
    rock00888 likes this.
  11. Could you send me the link to the emc investigator? I saw it on a thread awhile back but i never thought to take down the address.
  12. Count me as a no for an iron farm.
  13. No as me as well for the iron farm.
  14. Iron farm could be helpful, but it seems a lot of people disapprove. It would also cause a lot of lag, considering golems will just add to the hundreds of mobs in Wrem....

    Remember, there is a limit on how many mobs the system can hold before it starts some serious lag.
  15. My views in why no iron farm
    1) I don't like them
    2) Lag
    3) Griefer attraction
    4) Lag
    (See what I did there :p )
  16. Wrong, wrong. You got the whole list wrong.
    1. No. Just no.
    2. Griefer attraction
    3. Lag
    4. Lag
    5. Griefer Attraction
    6. Lag
  17. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
  18. Hello. As some of you may know, it is my birthday. I would enjoy it greatly if you would build a wall of lava around Wrem. Make sure nothing burns down. Nothing at all.
  19. lol. Hold on for a mo'.
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