The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Happy Birthday, Volt! Hope you have a good party - in and out of game.
  2. Happy birthday volt! I'll try and get something for you when I get on next. :D
    You just got the 2013th post in the thread :p
  3. Happy Day of the Dead Volt! Or happy veteran's day :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Oh, goody, thank you ^_^

    Is that what today is? :)

    Aww, thanks, I won't be doing anything too extravagant, just going out to dinner with the family. :)

    Please build more stuff, we need more architects like you.

    Thanks, I really liked your card :D

    Oh, goody :D
    mba2012, Adderwolf71 and supereskimo like this.
  5. Happy Birthday Volt!
  6. Haha, I did the same... kinda. I bought a ton of KFC and ate it with the family.

    Fun Fact: I've been to a total of four parties and hosted one birthday party myself and got kicked out of it.
    Jeanzl2000 and mba2012 like this.
  7. thanks ^_^
  8. I'm looking forward to something fancier than that ;)
    Also, KFC or Nando's?
  9. Usually i'd go out to the most expensive restaurant in my town, but damn, I love my chicken :p

    Ehh... Errrrmmm.... KFC...
    L0tad and Jeanzl2000 like this.
  10. Are you absolutely positive? These decisions are crucial, you know.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  11. I think we need a public NR XP farm. I could build one in Wrem. All I would need would be a group of people to help look for the spawner, then I could build a full auto XP farm in about an hour. If its approved just tell me! :D also if you wanna help look for the spawner, just reply.

    OH and I could make a Iron Farm as well. I was thinking in one of these four areas:
    iron famr.PNG
    I think any of these places would be perfect for an iron farm. I could make a 4 cell, full auto farm. Just let me know if you approve!

    EDIT: Grey area is not an option :)
    72Volt likes this.
  12. I like the XP farm idea however if you know me well you will know I don't like iron farms and I think one at the NR just isn't necessary. If there was some kind of vote on it, then you can take me as a no.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Dear god. Please do not start a flamewar with the iron farm... This is one of those super long going debates and I don't really prefer it myself but, I do when I don't have enough resources. I hope this helps the NR with supplies though ;)
  14. I understand why you feel that way, but this isn't exactly up for vote, i'm just looking to get permission to build it :)
    If you do not like them YOU do not have to use it. Its just a public resource and can be very beneficial to the NR.
    I wont try to convince you that they are good, we can agree to disagree :)
  15. I respect your decision, however the grey area is right next to my brewery so I would prefer for you to not build it there, thank you.
    Jakres likes this.
  16. I think a iron farm will be real nice :)
    72Volt likes this.
  17. Understood, I will remove that as an option :)
  18. Koen, an Iron farm would be useful so we wouldn't have to tear up the landscape around the NR for iron.
    ants4235 and KoenJanssen like this.
  19. An iron farm has the potential to cause a lot of lag which would not be good in a populated area, like Wrem. Additionally it would hinder Wrems's expansion. I like the idea of an iron farm, but perhaps we should build it further out from existing cities.
    smile3 and KoenJanssen like this.
  20. The only reason I'd like to have it closer is because more golems would spawn. It should be far enough away as to not cause too much lag.
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