The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I have collected sand there before Hyboria was announced. I didn't build anything, but I am the reason there are big, rectangular holes in the ground.
    Choongjae likes this.
  2. I would have to agree with this, while my city is "emerging" it was started when Wrem was, so... I think we need to chill out with the towns and cities.

    EDIT: and as for moving too close to Pazzo I would have to agree with Deathtomb and Dwight, we have been expanding way too close, I have my city south of the NR there is a plains, desert tundra, jungle, swamp, and forest biome in less than 2000 blocks Im not asking you to take down all of your buildings or remove towns or builds closest to Oakville just dont build past it.

    On the subject of the Militia, they are there to help, and keep people's builds, items, and lives safe. They are not there for you to batter on, if you do not want them there that is your opinion but honestly if you no nice things to say dont say them at all. They've been there since the beginning and have put in so much time into the New Republic and Wrem alike, please respect that. They didnt pick any fights until you started hating on them for lack of a better word, and they have asked you to stop. Just accept that they are there, and quit bringing it up, we've already have had many arguments in this thread alone that's over 1500 comments and 85 pages. Just stop it already.

    Volt I suggest for the committee having 1 person from every town (preferably the owner) and large group to participate, there of course would be disputes but there always is, no one has a biased opinion in this empire.
  3. As the recent "Pazzo buffers" has been made, I wish potatoville not to intrude on Pazzo's privacy, and I have moved it to a tundra biome.

    Ignore how off it is. Potatoville is looking only to the tundra biome, (the white, obviously,) and if someone could make that nicer, i'd be super happy. :D

    Potatoville will specialize in building neat ice related things. Also, ice farming and snow farming contraptions will be set-up there.

    mba2012 likes this.
  4. As long as your happy with me making some large constructions around the biome that should be fine! :D
  5. Sorry for being new, but is there a 'government' / who is in government?
  6. Sorry for the double post, but If nobody minds, I would like to propose joining the Arbitration Committee
  7. It's not your fault for being new. The "government" is provisional so if someone asks you to do something reasonable ask them if they have a post in the government and if they say they do trust them. Of course if they tell you to drown yourself or give them all your rupees don't do it.
    brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
  8. We have a provisional government. But it's likely to be reformed soon.
  9. I believe the current members of are government are:

    72Volt, our First Minister.
    Dean_Catterson, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
    Adderwolf71, the Governor of the Bank of the New Republic.
    brickstrike, the Economy Minister.
    KoenJanssen, the Foreign Secretary.
    napoleon3665, the Secretary of State.
    Mba2012, the Infrastructure Minister.
    Choongjae and mba2012 like this.
  10. Fixed it, didn't ya? :D
    supereskimo likes this.
  11. Why, I have no idea what you're talking about :rolleyes:
    brickstrike likes this.
  12. As far as both Deathtomb and Dwight are concern nothing is to be built west of Oakville.
    I think if I was you, I'd head that warning and cut Hyboria's size so they don't come after you.
    Just giving a heads up Brick, that is all.
    NetherSpecter likes this.

  13. Now there has been talk about a road and/or track to Stoneguard from Wrem.
    I think it's clear we do this and do it very soon. This is a jewel in all of EMC for a large village and some of THE most impressive building I have ever seen on EMC.
    So lets please get the ball rolling on this.
    Thank you.
  14. Daw :oops:
    brickstrike and ants4235 like this.
  15. I'll help with supplies and labor :)
    NetherSpecter and ants4235 like this.
  16. Ok. After surveying the area where I was going to build my city I have decided instead to make it just an area of Inizio. All it will be is a resort, waterfront area and theme park. I will also extended the highway to go past, over a large bridge and to the area in the south.
    ants4235 likes this.
  17. I was already considering this and I think I know what could be a good solution. Route one to pazzo can be the border line between The NR and Pazzo. But, in between the route and the borders of pazzo is what is known as buffer zone. This way, no over steps boundries. This will cut down the size of Hyboria and Oakville states down a little but, we can always expand hyboria southwards. I hope that this can be agreed upon. :)
  18. I'd appreciate it I have to get a farm up as well as a few build plots where people can build what they want, whether it's a shop, inn, or other business, as well as a house I need a lot of supplies, Oak logs and stone brick mainly. If anyone could help with this it would be greatly, greatly appreciated.
    ants4235 likes this.
  19. I'm starting a mining area, in a ravine. I can set up a rail way to the surface with stone, or cobble. if either of you would like the stone let me know please.
    ants4235 likes this.
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