The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Laws are essential. EMC has laws, many outposts have law, we're no different. If you wish to be completely free of law, anarchy servers exist. I do admit that the premise of the NR creates a lot of authoritarianism by regular Minecraft standards, but we try to make it as simple as possible, as functional as possible, and as externally simple as possible.

    Due to recent events, I am sort of considering establishing an LLO-style town of the NR. No zoning laws or restrictions. Dean discussed a 'street cred' system, perhaps we could allow newcomers to come to this basic town and give those with attested maturity and reputation access to more organised, better towns?
  2. Oakville follows this in order to achieve peace. We are just a small community playing minecraft but, still apart of the NR.
    pat2011 and wisepsn like this.
  3. Quite honestly, dean is a dictator. He tells his members to stop building everything until he decides where they can build it.
    By laws, I mean wilderness law. The only laws in wild are really no caps and spam, and no griefing.
    In my opinion, the new currency you guys made doesnt work out. You will:
    A) Run out of diamonds
    B) Strip all land of resources looking for diamonds
    C) Have a inflation
    I don't believe you can a currency within a currency, it just doesn't make sense.
    brickstrike likes this.
  4. Wrem has been extremely successful, even with its comparably strict build rules. They are obviously there for a reason, and are obviously working. The rules will remainn in place. There is nothing wrong, so please stop pretending there is. Its not just you, mba and brick both voiced stern opposition to the regulations. Tell me, in one sentence, why the rules are bad? I will disprove everything you can thorw at me. A bit of political banter is fine but you all engaged in personnal attacks against me. That is silly and immature, let there be no more of it. Even if we don't agree after discussion, Wrem will prove me right be continuing its success.
  5. Control never works- Hitler, Castro, Kidaffy, Bin-Laden, all used control and failed.
    "Silly and immature" says the person who says LLO and Zolara fail and are dead.
    brickstrike likes this.
  6. As Governor of the BNR, objection!
    Sure we will run out of diamonds, but you forgot that one little bit where we can go to town and buy diamonds.....

    Jacob. Seriously, knock it off. You said you're sick of arguing, yet you always flame back at dean. Also, control does not mean dictatorship. Control means that you can enforce laws. Wouldn't you say the USA government uses control in enforcing laws?
    Also, most people will find it offensive to have their government systems compared to dictators like Hitler and Castro. Me included.
  7. And ruin the economy of all the servers you go to...
    brickstrike likes this.
  8. Haha what? Bin Laden a dictator? 0/10 troll attempt.
    The Castro's are still in power, genius. Gaddafi was successful he made it that Libya has Africas highest literacy rate and best health service. Everyone knows Hitler was a good leader, just with bad ideas (like, extremely bad).
    Why do you hate me so much jacob?
    _joe and KoenJanssen like this.
  9. You do realize that 1 diamond is equal to 100 neore. So really, we won't be ruining economies. I believe that Volt would make that assumption, not you....
    Also, one word: Wastelands.
  10. You forget how many people Kadaffi killed. Cuba's dictatorness has decreased a lot since the new Castro. And no,Hitler was not a good leader.
    I don't hate you. I'm standing up for what I believe in. You criticize my outpost, I fight back.
    brickstrike likes this.
  11. through the walls of text.
    Does anyone have an idea of what I should do?
    I kinda need something to do...
  12. >"I'm sick of arguing"
    >Continues arguing, compares me to hitler
    >Claims Bin Laden was a dictator and that Cuba is becoming less communist
    >Says Hitler wasn't a good leader
    >"I fight back"
    >Launches abuse at me completely unprovoked

    Oh god my sides, please jacob for your own sake stop.
    napoleon3665 and Jeanzl2000 like this.
  13. I never compared you to Hitler or anyone.
    Your calling me stupid because I don't know everything.
    I was not completely unprovoked at all.
    Continues to be rude.
    brickstrike likes this.
  14. Yeah actually, it wasunprovoked. We had a few pages of actual discussion before you tried to re-ignite the flamewar. Everyone would appreciate it if you would kindly stop attempting to stir up tension. Good day.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  15. The power has gone to your head. Good day.
    L0tad and brickstrike like this.
  16. Ok people, Legit time!

    1. Dean, for the good of all, grow up already. Why someone like you, who seems to have the maturity of a nine year old, is running a town, is beyond me, but if you're going to do it, learn to shut up, and take in other peoples input.

    2. Everyone else in this, I honestly do suggest to keep fighting for what you think is right, but do it most respectfully

    3. OakVille wishes not to have a whole bunch of militia stuff. We want to remain small, and have more freedoms with that.
    mba2012, jacob5089, kritacul and 3 others like this.
  17. If people have a problem, I listen to them willingly, consider their concerns, and try to make a suitable compromise. There is a difference between respectfully resolving differences and spouting out abuse on another outposts thread.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  18. Jeez.. What a thought Dean what a thought. Maybe you should take your own advice.
  19. Care to detail examples of me being abusive?
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  20. Oakville hasn't gotten so good! New updates and installations. Please remember everyone that Oakville will be recieving a limited amount of guests, so hurry and join! I am currently working on making a church and making a place to put ridden horses for 1.6. For people living in Oakville, you are free to live anywhere you want! The mayor is pat2011.
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