The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. excuse me
    I believe the flag contains a blue trisalisk imposed on a cube. Trisalisks are used on the Isle of Man flag, and the Sicilian flag. Admittedly it looks reminiscent of a swastika, but I can assure you it is not, and it should be acceptable. :)
  2. Righteo.

    In light of recent events, I would like everyone in the future to only post on this thread with attention paid to the following appendix of the Ten Commandments:

    I will be messaging the mods requesting that they pay attention to this thread in the future to prevent any further heated disputes.

    If you have a problem with something in the New Republic:
    • DO tell me your concerns, so I can sort it out.
    • DO be patient with me, I often have a lot on my plate, in the project and IRL.
    • DO NOT break any rules in EMC, particularly the anti-griefing rule, tearing down flags or placing aggressive signs constitutes griefing.
    • DO NOT attempt to start a 'revolution', as authoritarian as I may sound, it's quite frankly ridiculous, I trust the government and mayors of the NR to be held accountable to citizens, and you can be assured of that.
    • DO NOT respond to flaming with more flaming. If someone seems controlling, don't criticise them for seeming controlling, that's silly, they've been provoked. Kindly tell them to calm down, assume a constructive attitude, and work out any issues.
    • for the love of God, do NOT cause any unnecessary drama, it reflects badly on our community.
    • CONSIDER OTHERS in all actions you make.
    While it appears most issues have been addressed, please follow the guidelines I have illustrated above if there are any leftover particles of this small crisis which need to be addressed. I will make sure moderators take action against anyone who attempts to start a flamewar over anything.
    A few other points I have to make:
    1. People who aren't citizens of the NR, it is not an official government position that every other outpost is inferior. Some people hold opinions of other outposts and how well they have done, these are not official opinions.
    2. Whatever thoughts may be circulating, this little crisis, by no means whatsoever, means the end of the NR. There is no reason a simple row could end EMC's fastest growing and most ambitious wild community.
    3. As Provisional First Minister, I accept and rejoice in the establishment of Oakville, and I believe it should not merely be a town, but a city of the NR, like the other cities. Growth is growth, my friends. ^_^
    Without further adieu, let us all get back to work. :D
    L0tad, mba2012, pat2011 and 7 others like this.
  3. Well I'm back in a few week and would love to throw my name in for Deputy First Minister since Ants is going for Infrastructure.
    But my qualifications are just as good as Napoleon, Volt and/or Dean.
    I can't wait to help the New Republic and the Militia again.
  4. well i would also like to throw my name into the mix for deputy first minister ... im the mayor of Wrem at the moment and i think i have the political knowhow and stratagies for the position ... COUGH, COUGH ?
  5. Lot of coughing over here. I'm sure Volt will consider everyone then select the most capable person for the job. What exactly would be the role of the Deputy?
  6. To support the First Minister in his role in being a strong leader for the New Republic.
    If I had appointed a Deputy, maybe this whole crisis wouldn't have emerged; a deputy would have subdued any further disruption.
    mba2012 and kritacul like this.
  7. Most government members weren't on at the time of conflict, I'm sure if enough were on this could potentially have been avoided.
  8. Okay, I'm completely lost in the 10 pages of pathetic arguing since I last visited this thread...
  9. So when are elections for all cities and for NR?(if you can exact day(s) would be great). Also what positions are on the ballot to vote on?
  10. Just curious if I am the Supreme Judge (That's what Volt called it I think) The guy who helps with the prosecution and criminal cases and all that jazz. It was mentioned a few days ago but I don't epremember it being set in stone.
    I would like it to be if at all possible.
    Or are we voting for this position?
  11. A First Minister will be elected. The winner will select players to form a cabinet, and will fill roles of all ministry (eg infrastructure and economy).
    At local level, a Deputy Mayor will be elected to assist me with little, localised matters in Wrem such as build regulations, lighting and street naming.
  12. Well, I do hate to be arrogant, but not all ministers are cut out for leadership. Me, I like leading, I try to keep a cool head during conflicts.
    However, in my honest opinion, Napoleon was abrasively threatening the revocation of citizenship because someone mentioned the now known to be fictional Rebelitionist movement, and you were coming across as controlling to others and expressing controversial views on the LLO and Pazzo. As a public servant, you should ideally be friendly without causing controversy. Your position is to compile the budget and raise funds under your Chancellor role, and to lead Wrem as its Mayor.
    I politely suggest you leave issues people have with the NR to me. You have contributed a huge amount to the NR, and I have no doubt you will continue to do so, you've started a major town, something very valuable indeed. But if you feel annoyed or angry, I implore you to take a step back and leave the issue to me. :)
  13. As the Provisional First Minister, I'd like to apologise.
    mba2012, brickstrike and kritacul like this.
  14. Thanks Dean but when, because we NEED to get this done asap one major reason is to prevent what happened over the weekend from happening again since we will have officials in positions.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  15. In my defense, I have the right to exercise my powers without being abused or threatened, things which I am yet to receive an apology for.
    I personally believe Napoleon exhibited strong leadership on the issue.
    I admit my views were too open to interpretation. I regret that people thought I was disrespecting their work, I was merely commenting on how effective their systems of running the place were and meant no disrespect.
    I believe the people should have went to you anyway, instead of rioting, but what ever.
    Hope life can resume as normal in the NR from this point!
  16. I agree, i would like Napolean as a leader, he has shown good leadership qualities
    kritacul and napoleon3665 like this.
  17. I think you mean triskelion, and yes, they are a common motif. I doubt anyone would argue that it runs contrary to any sort of rules. I'm just pointing out that if I can see the swastikaesque nature of it, others can too.
  18. Thank you...

    and Thank you...

    Just to clarify on the issue of citizenship revocation, i was completely within my boundaries as secretary of state.

    "The State may punish any person who deprives a Neorepublican of their liberty unfairly, using means no greater than contacting a moderator with the request of banning an offender to punish someone."

    "The State may only exercise its power to fulfill its responsibilities to the Neorepublican people."

    I will quote the constitution once again for everyone to see.

    I represent the state on this matter, and it is my job to protect the people in this issue. I look at "Rebelitionists" as a major threat to the state. If these types of groups form, they can be a major problem (aka the revolution). I was, and still will protect the people and the government of this state. If anyone has any objections to the way that i have handled this matter, then i urge you to to take constitutional action.

    "Should the State not be fulfilling its responsibilities, any citizen who feels as such may call a vote of no confidence of the Grand Democratic Assembly or an individual Assembly Democrat. If 50% or more of the population vote in favour, the Grand Democratic Assembly is dissolved or the Democrat in question is expelled, and reelected."
    kritacul likes this.
  19. Who is a revolutionist party depriving anybody?
  20. Oakville is A TOWN already!!! Not city!
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
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