The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. He is yet to actually create this party. And he was one of the people here before the New Republic was even made public.
  2. This is my BIG dream of a server!!!!! I'm in! I'm good at building houses to.
  3. Ummm guys....... You shouldn't be arguing about the Rebelitionist party......
    I asked matt and he said his friend got on his account and posted that. His mom told the friend. So, yeah. Also nap Dean has stated that the protesters have been punished (I think), so there is no need for that.
    That isn't when the protests happened, they happened on the first. Yesterday (the second, the day on there) we were discussing them.
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  4. Incorrect I was reffering to naps condemnation of them
  5. I mean DIRECTOR, not mayor. Mayor is the main one. He is on top of us all.
  6. I am 1/4 almost done with the shearing wool plot. I need more stonebrick and fences,(of course sheep too!)
  7. I have red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple dyes if you need.
    wisepsn likes this.
  8. I have finished the design for the Neorepublican Swimming Pool! I took some pictures so you can look at it.

    The shallow end (1 block)
    The medium/middle part of the pool (2 blocks) Notice how I spelled NR with glowstone :p
    The deep end (5 blocks)
    The diving boards
    The entire pool

    If you would like to donate glowstone and/or buckets, that would be very helpful!
  9. Haven't been on this thread/minecraft for a while and this is what happens?
  10. I thought this whole protest thing already ended? Ask dean. I thought he took care of it and said it wouldn't happen again.
  11. That was quite unfair and unexpected don't you think?
  12. I lol'd
  13. No freedom of speech? Well then that seems quite unfair to me. As I said in game, the NR is starting to remind me of the USSR before it's downfall.
    EDIT: Also, this:
    Is true. My mother told him my password because he wanted to play MC and didn't have an account
    2nd EDIT: When I say 'freedom of speech' I mean the rebels. Ask Adder what I told him yesterday about how the rebels are trying to communicate. I can't remember who, but somebody said they need to communicate in a more civilized manner. In which I 120% agree with.
  14. wut.
  15. Dean's opinion is not the view of the NR government towards the LLO and Pazzo/zolora empire. Although i do agree that these outposts have hit their slope, they are making a comeback, look at the new bridge.

    I am sorry if dean offended you, I am offended by this remark as well. An outpost can operate and thrive with no organisation. Hate to see ya go though.
    mba2012, kritacul and CommonSense_64 like this.
  16. MBA, i got the road to the new town, ok. I t will be off route one (probably be route 2)

    Mr. Legit, btribble, Soul, Just like back home. Good times, Good times. glad to see you came, Sorry if any member has offended you.
  17. I would like to make it clear my criticism of other outposts should not be taken personally.
    L0tad and 72Volt like this.
  18. Wow I go away for a few days and see we have a new city(Oakville) and people are kinda tee'd off. So can someone give me a breakdown or just read into wtf is going
  19. I'm struggling to get my head around all of it myself. I need a damned Deputy First Minister to handle the workload of modern leadership. -_-
  20. *Cough* Yeah I would love a job like Deputy First Minister or something. *Cough*
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
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