The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. wheres this out post at?and what server
  2. I believe you both may join! As soon as volt adds you to a conversation cell, you will be filled in info on how it works around here in New Republic. Until then, sit tight! ( I think that's how it works. :p )
  3. Can someone add me to the pm or send me coords for the NR I want to come check it out.
  4. What to do next?
    I am exploring the lands around the NR.
  5. Just a suggestion, But would it be possible to add glass panes around the outside so people don't fall off?
    Besides that I really like the idea.

    Also, maybe another material could be used instead of the wood. Possible smooth sandstone or obsidian. Also maybe we could replace the wool with quartz!
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  6. I heard someone mention a bit back how there should be a town devoted to creating food. I like this idea. You might say, "But we have tons of factories where we can get food!" Most of those are for someone's private use, and is not available to the public. I think we should have something more on the lines of a large, government owned plantation, where we grow everything from wheat to sugar to cocoa to melons to pumpkins to carrots to potatoes to mushrooms to to cacti to vines. I can help construct this, but I need permission from mba. I believe I will build it around the plain southwest of Creeper Island, where it is relatively flat and easy to gather seeds.
  7. A more country based town? Inizio is the capital of New Republic, so I'd assume farming wouldn't be a big part, Wrem is an industrial, and more for people wanting to begin a business, and then we can have a town that has very large plots, for people looking to start very large farms.
    L0tad and Adderwolf71 like this.
  8. That's what I'm thinking of, but not really too big of a town. I'm thinking around the size of an NPC village for the town center, and then large plots out in the countryside :)
  9. LOLZ, i am working on a plan for a small town devoted to farming. Just sit tight for a while and let me finish. MBA needs to review them first, and me and volt need to work out kinks, so PLZ, just sit back and help gather seeds.
  10. I present to you, Bhōjana (pronounced BHO-Jona) (the word "food"in Hindi), the latest addition to the NERO REPUBLICAN empire.

    It will be a small village center, 20 buildings. Some shops, a few houses, a government building, and a small military outpost, and a massive farm. It will have a large state owned farm, and some large farm plots, ready to go, that can be rented for a fee. The money earned will upkeep the road their.

    So, due to the large amount of food this thing must produce, Thomas island is too small to house it. I was shooing to keep the plains as a national park. SO...I have expanded my search, preferably west, to a remove and flat land, and i think i found it

    wakaton puninsula.PNG

    So, It has an NPC village already built, making the first camp will not be hard. from their, we start a large mining operation ( yes volt, a quarry of sorts) to flatten all the land to about 2 blocks above sea level. We then portion the land up into plots, whatever x whatever , and designate a type of farm to go their ( Plant, animal, or tree)

    How far away is it, quite. Although, it is a got 5K form izoino, it is not near a outpost cluster, less likely of a greffing attack. It can serve as the gateway to the west, need be, and proves we have the guts to venture off our small Island home.

    it will have a horse and pig friendly trail, all lighted up, to the central road point (a large cobble circle outside the Pazzo capital), ad will lead to wern. If you are a farm owner, you can move your product yourself, or, pay a delivery person, opening new jobs,not to mention, new farming jobs, boosting our economy.

    The items can then be shipped to town, to be sold to non NR citizens, and, help the server overall.

    I am working on a master map for the place, and am sending a party to claim it soon. Let me know if you want to volunteer.
  11. As of May 30, 2013, PPC is sponsoring the expedition. PPC will provide food, tools, and other necessary items for the claim party to get to the specified spot more easily. In return for sponsoring the claim party, L0tad has given PPC permission to claim the first plot in Bhōjana.
    L0tad likes this.
  12. About the bridge;
    I really like both concepts that where suggested. But I personally think that if we want this bridge to be a landmark it should be something more extravagant and grander.
    I found a few ideas I thought might be more suiting. Of course these are just suggestions, and both other concepts are are great anyways :)




  13. I like this design. It would be prone to mobs spawning though. Maybe we could use supports like this but with my designs road way, which could also feature glass panes to prevent people falling off. My design is 100% mob proof and would only need around 30 torches.
  14. Alright we have a new problem in the Wrem.
    Could I ask people NOT TO BUILD ROADS. That's my job within the urban limit.
    Someone has made a lengthy road on Rockstar North Island that completely doesn't fit with the surroundings. I'm not mad, I know who ever did it made it with good intentions, but please, it's really not necessary. I will continue to design the urban roads in Wrem.
    To make them you should ask mba2012.
    mba2012 and napoleon3665 like this.
  15. ah .... got it
  16. ok, im the new interim Mayor of wrem ..... good feeling !!! thank Dean
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  17. Can I join or can someone give me coordinates?
  18. You will be invited to one of the conversation cells
  19. The quartz... it's like the Peace Bridge in Derry. Was that intentional?

    Excellent! I'm a little bit sceptical of the whole government-owned farming thing, though. I believe public sector agriculture should be a temporary thing, and later be sold off to the private sector. We could support private farming with NR Mail, though.
    mba2012, Dean_Catterson and L0tad like this.
  20. uhh what?
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