Ignoramoose and Krysyyjane9191 celebrate 500 days of EMC!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, May 29, 2013.

  1. What's your ultimate goal here on EMC?
  2. Haha, I watch Grey's Anatomy as well! :D Season finale did not end the way I was expecting.

    Whats your favorite memory from all the 500 days? Also, congratulations to the two of you on 500 days :)
  3. Super bestest friends list (really just who i talk to more on mumble and IRC and IRL):
    All staff, including past staff
    solo_ruler (irl friend)

    kyler413 (brother)
    u198281 (brother's roomie)
    ...and i guess.....kevdudeman :p jk, love ya kev!
    kevdudeman likes this.
  4. Give me a day to think on it and I'll respond again - that's not an easy answer.

    Since I'm not really a doctor who fan - just in cahoots with one, that's a difficult question, I'd say number 11. Though I've seen 1 episode of #5 i think and he seemed pretty snazzy with the whole scarf thing.

    The dalek voice is pretty easy to do, so I'd go with a dalek.

    Companion I really only know of Amy, Rory, and this souffle girl - so not sure on that front.
  5. My ultimate goal is to make a lasting impression on the community in both the shop and community aspects. When people think of shops on smp2, they still think of leowaste. I want to live forever in people's minds like he has.

    I have transformed the spawn of smp2 into doctor who land and a lot of people know me for this, so I'd say i'm off to a good start.
    jkjkjk182 and PenguinDJ like this.
  6. Congratulations! Jealous of that big 500 ;)

    My questions are. . .

    At a movie theatre, which armrest is yours?
    Is there ever a day where mattresses aren't on sale?
    If milk goes bad if not refrigerated, does it go bad if the cow isn't refrigerated?
  7. You'd make a good HR person :) - I'm honestly not sure. Minecraft really doesn't have a real goal, so it's play it by ear for me. I'm more of the I think I should build this and then go that route kind of guy.

    All the "tangible goals" - getting a dragon egg, or building a hotel (not that I did too much other than the outside of it) I've done.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  8. When I finally revealed my first TARDIS shop. I did it for fishfingers and custard day. I had built a giant dirt box to hide my project and didnt realize it would take a LONG time to take it down. People guessed it before I was done lol.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. Both, I'm the hog. Also I give menacing looks to people that sit nearby me if the theater isn't full.
    Nope - or at least I've never seen one. There's particular ones that don't go on sale though.
    deathconn likes this.
  10. why do feet smell bad? there is ur strange qstn
  11. ~Because moose is a leftie, my armrest is the right so I can lean toward him and steal popcorn.
    ~Not that I know of. The whole 'sale' aspect is just so they can jack up their retail prices to convince you taht you are getting a better deal.
    ~Nope. (I'll come up with the witty part later...)
    deathconn likes this.
  12. Like my skin/avatar?
  13. I can handle this one, they smell bad because they're not your nose.
  14. favorite movie?
    Summer or winter?
    Best moment on EMC?
    Also congrats to both of you!
  15. What are your skins of/meant to represent? Was moose just in a BLARGGGG mood at the time? :p
  16. How do I open a door?
  17. Um. I dunno many Moose questions so...

    Favorite show?
    Favorite Game?
    Would you rather had the chance to travel with The Doctor, knowing something could possibly happen, would you? (I guess you both could answer that.)
    Favorite Food?
  18. Not as much as skins of 10

    ~too many to think of
    ~revealing TARDIS shop for first time
    Mine is a girl made of crystal. (Krystal is my name)
    Moose's...is moose...I'll let him explain.
  19. This is a bit off topic and more of a question for myself...

    I want to start to watch DR who, (not seen it before..) where should I start, from the beginning or most recent episode?
  20. Happy 500 days:) it is 100 days for me today:p
    Would you consider going on one huge mining trip/ nether trip with all of us on this thread?
    If Amused had 9 apples and You had 8, what is the mass of the sun?