I'll just throw this in and leave... Windows is a great OS if you intend to really make a computer your own. The stock OS isn't great, but you have the power to make your hardware and software anything you want. A Mac has a better stock OS and better built-in apps, but you have little freedom to mess with it. It is possible to upgrade internal components of even an iMac, it's just that Apple doesn't want you to. Linux is mostly the best of both worlds, but it hasn't caught on.
When the Linux cult rises, I will be there. When they start taking over the industry, I will be there. And when you ask me to save your Windows or OSX computer, I will plug my Mint LiveUSB in and click "Install". Yes, I will be there.
Really? Why is this topic started? Its as bad as Runescape vs WoW, BF vs Cod... Jezus people why? <_< To be on topic, I read an article that MacBooks are the best to run Windows on xD Heheh, but hey. I voted " I don't give a crap, I like them both." And yes I do.
Both of them suck for the simple fact they are both overrated and their customer service is horrible. They're almost worse than EA... almost...
It will also cost 25 times more than my current, perfectly functional Timex, and people will be compelled to buy a new one every two years because Apple will convince them the iWatch 2 somehow keeps better time or something. Who even cares? At this point people are so deeply embedded in their smartphones and mobile devices that "texting while driving" has largely replaced intoxication as the leading cause of death behind the wheel (particularly among teens). I make this point on the assumption a nanotech flexi-glass iWatch is going to do a bit more than just tell time, and the last think we as a society need is yet another mobile device strapped to our wrist - as above, we can't even handle our current technology safely. What the hell is the point of the iWatch, other than paying hundreds more into Apple's coffers simply because you drank too much of their technology Kool-Aid? Oh yes, I went there boozle. As I posted in another thread, Apple is a religion. Or, to be more accurate, the brand stimulates the same areas of the brain as religious symbols do in the faithful. Their stores are also designed in a similar philosophy. The "Apple Table" at work has very strict guidelines regarding its appearance and maintenance, to meet with Apple's standards. They're not just selling you a product, they're trying to induct you into their "cult." This is actual neuroscience. Apple is a single manufacturer, whereas Windows PCs are built by third party - Toshiba, Samsung, Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Alienware... the list goes on. 1 Manufacturer with tighter quality control start to finish, and I do give Apple credit for building a solid product. Or I should say, their suicidal Chinese slave-labor? There are certain things Apple does well. Their connectivity and synching between devices, the clean interface, and their overall high level of quality. The fact remains, they are overpriced, overhyped, and with the possible exception of the iPod / MP3 market there's not one thing Apple produces that another company hasn't done better, cheaper, or both.
I am very strongly anti apple, but as a general OS, if you dont want customization, mac is a lot better than windows for general flow. As for the VBS/Bat scripts, Mac is built on UNIX, and has a real terminal, which means its scripting is leagues more powerful than Windows =P But man, you will never see me argue that apple hardware is acceptable... I'll rock my Ubuntu and have the pros I need for day to day basis cheap hardware, good OS, customization. Sure ubuntu takes A LOT more setup, but once you got your routine and got the apps you need, your golden.
On top of this I found three more of these threads from a simple search. There are definitely more, I only did a generic "windows vs. mac" search, and only searched titles because I'm lazy... I've been trying to install ubuntu for a while now, and for some reason my computer won't let me boot from a cd. I think this is what the official directions are, so any help on installing?
Putting the cd into the disk drive, holding "option" (if you have two os's on a mac, you generally press that to switch between them), and seeing if anything other than "macintosh hd" comes up. Didn't come up.
Have you tried creating a LiveUSB instead? I have a tutorial for that here. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/how-to-liveusb-and-look-like-a-hacker-while-youre-at-it.24053/ I'm not sure if it'd change anything, but it's worth a try. Besides, if it doesn't you still have a bootable USB you can take anywhere.