[IDEA] Observation mode (flying in town)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by AlexC__, May 19, 2013.

  1. No.
  2. I think this should remain a diamond utopia perk. If you want it, donate.
  3. Hmm, perhaps add it to all Supporter ranks, as Iron doesn't really have that much.
    607 likes this.
  4. I like it, would definetly be easier then how i current observe builds on emc that
  5. I think this would work but I think that when you do /mode observe off ( or whatever command ) you should get brought to the place you said the command at to prevent people from cheating at parkour or something.
    AlexChance and technologygeek like this.
  6. I think if there is a command like this there should also be a perm to disable people from hovering over your res...

    I wouldn't won't people sneak-peeking on something I'm in the middle of making - if they could just fly and look at it anyways ... would kind of be defeating the purpose of turning off move ...

    I do like the idea though - just think there would need to be a way to prevent people from going on a residence if you didn't want them to.
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. :)
    Added to OP, thanks. :)
    Also, if being stalked is a legitimate worry of some people, remember that when you're wondering around town you can be followed anyway. In your residence, you have the option of -move and you would have the option of /res set observe f with this. :)
    Pretty much. It would also be useful with building - instead of uselessly stacking a dirt tower to check something you can just switch to observe mode :)
    This is much less powerful - please read the OP :)
    I would like this to be able to be accessed for all. However, if something must be a supporter perk when implementing this then it should probably be the speed of travel.
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. So true that would a great aspect
  9. I think this could be a good idea, as its close to something I was expecting to do for new players in the future (allow them to preview town before finishing tutorial, but not chat).

    Being able to fly would help them see more... and I don't see why it would be that big of a deal to extend to registered players too, except I would add the condition that you go back to where you enabled observer mode once you exit it to prevent people getting into residences locations and doing stuff they shouldn't be.

    It would still honor move flag... which if you really don't want people to be on your res, it should have on it.

    Trying to prevent someone from seeing it fully is impossible, as building up on a neighbor res or even world download (Silly jack seeing all our secrets that way!) will let them see it anyways.
  10. Muhahahaha.
    penfoldex likes this.
  11. I think this is a good idea as long as the person gets teleported back to where they said the command.
    southpark347 likes this.
  12. Just ain't gonna happen.
    Eolosti and 607 like this.
  13. I love this idea! That's all I'm going to say.
  14. Yuh-Huh...
  15. Well, I'm sorry, but I was going to dislike this. But now I hear how much you all like it, so, I have just a question.
    Do you now have to turn that flag of every time when you really are on your residence? People could stay in the way when mining or building, pick up dropped items, and push animals away. So, then you should have to turn "move" for observers on every time.
  16. ?
    Eolosti likes this.
  17. You said it wasn't going to happen, and Aikar said he kinda liked the idea.
  18. Great idea Alex (et al).
  19. Ah
    Eolosti likes this.
  20. I'm not sure what you mean by this? This idea wouldnt change anything relating to those kind of things you mentioned.

    You don't have to fly to pick up peoples items or be in the way (though up high I can see it being easier to do).

    But if a player was to harass you like so, you can /report them.

    I might would say to turn them invisible too, so that people won't suspect them of cheating.