"You told me that making five ban appeal threads would not help my case. So I made a sixth. How about now?" Best one ever lol
hmmm... I would have viewed it here if I didn't see it a moment ago All I did was hit a cow for milk... I wanted to make a cake! mmmmmm
If his dad's a millionaire and will buy him unlimited PCs why would he wait until his birthday to be diamond?
There are stupid people that make the world bad, and then there are stupid people that make it great. These are the bunch that make it great.
im lonely down here and Guy: Im not gonna stop I have 7 computers and I now I no who said he was gonna hack me so the poilce can track down your compmuter while guy is being pushed away craftedmovie r **** and I and my mate has over 500 000 subcribers I'll get him to post a video
We do need one of these. I believe that this would be a fitting ban appeal: "YOU CANNOT BAN ME I AM THE MOTHERLICKING LIZARD KING"