EMC Staff Application [Updated May 29th, 2013]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. jkjkjk those green lines are my name right i saw it before
  2. Well, if you are going to put it out there, then yes, that is your name and those are your chat messages.
  3. Clehfksdjhfkjsdhfkjhsdkjfhskd.PNG
    Another thing you shouldnt do, which is to keep on applying. I think this player has applied about 4-5 times now, in under two weeks. Also, players who apply should ALWAYS be good -_-
  4. and I can tall who that is lol
  5. Hey you know, if you ask... You will have 0% of a chance of being a mod. If you found out about the application, don't try to fill it out to be a mod... They will delete it automatically because all of your askings...
  6. Wait..we can still apply?
  7. Most definitely
  8. What if you've already applied, like, last year?
  9. If you applied before September 8th you're fine, they were all cleared. If not, no you shouldn't apply again :)
  10. Well, that's...really disappointing to hear...I did half of it already...
  11. I might apply I'm not sure though... Maybe in a little while
  12. What the hell, man?
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and TheSkidz like this.
  13. Hardly an achievement, just a thing that has happened.
    It would be like;
    Achievement get!
  14. Or achievement get! Play Minecraft!
    RainbowChin likes this.
  15. Get that everyday with my MLG skills see :cool:
    uglydragon likes this.
  16. So... let's really annoy everyone who freaks out at people posting when the red text appears on sticky threads.

    jacob5089 likes this.
  18. I'm sorry mr.Biggin but bumping old threads is not acceptable on EMC. I am going to have to take action.
    jacob5089 and Laurencem17 like this.
  19. Graaaaah!
    Why I should, I should....
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and jacob5089 like this.