The fact that you rank that along with what I recognize as problems makes me think you're a better candidate for King of the World than I'd ever be. Go forth and establish a world where one may not suffer diarrhea, where one may receive free wi-fi in a casino, and wet scallops aren't so darned terrible. Do it now. Shape the world
People who complain about their lives like they're going to die tomorrow. While you are here whining about your breakup with your boyfriend, someone is painfully dying of cancer somewhere in the world.
I don't know about other people - But I hate being graded for homework ... My whole life I've received 100's, 110's, 90's and i'm sick of it ... Out of school, no one will do the things they learned in school the exact same way, or at all - No one is perfect, even if two people get the same grade - their work is not and never will be identical (even if it's copied, it will still have a different time stamp, name, and whatever you wrote it on, and how it looks). On the previous statement and in life ...I don't like being felt like everything I do is being judged or graded... If you hate me or i'm doing something that bothers you, just tell me :3
Kids complaining that their lives suck even though they just have to go to school and enjoy the easy life. Yet there are people out there worrying about how they will pay their next bill, will they land that next job interview, will they be able to feed their kids tomorrow, where will they live next, hospital bills, and will they be able to afford college to get a better high paying job in life. you gotta make something of you life and not let people bring you down, complaining about it doesn't help (from personal experience).
The Scallops made me think of oysters. BLEH. I hate them. I can eat clam, clam strips, crayfish or for you southerners Crawdads, crab all that lovely seafood, but Oysters are nasty. Had them once and they were fried. I couldn't get past the crunch of what felt like sand in my mouth. Canned they smell like someone left them out in the sun for three days and then tossed them into a can of lake water.
I'm also sick of trolls. It would seem to me that if someone wanted to have a better reputation on a second minecraft account their parents spent money on, they wouldn't act the same way as before.
Well then. The other thing that bothers me is that I am so sensitive. I will sometimes go off the edge over the smallest things. Also, I don't like nosy people, they can't just mind their own business. Most of your questions could be solved by thinking out problems. My mom asks "What are you doing" When I am doing my homework, when she could just stand there, see the problems I'm doing, and just assume I am doing homework. Also, it's just the people who cant mind there own business, who don't have any reason to know.
An easy life in school. Is that what you call it? The teachers put pressure on you to do well, and it stresses you out. I became physically ill from stress put on me by my teacher in Year 6. I also get bullied everyday of my life. I have a low self-esteem. And I just have to go to school? I am mentally ill and have a plethora of disorders. Also, hospital bills are non-existant in England. That's how it should be. And the bill things, and the feeding kids thing? It's called the dole. People need it. People like those who can afford computers but somehow can't afford for themselves to live.
Do you honestly think working is anyway different? Your boss will put 10 times more pressure, and he won't give a crap if you are or aren't stressed, he only wants productivity.
I just keep coming up with these things... People who are insensitive to peoples feelings, like teachers, there was this sub for my class, she yelled, she was very rude, and she just sat there, not even trying to be considerate. Also kiss-ups, what do you think you'll gain from doing that?
Uhhh ill have you know the reason i have a computer is for college and ive had this before my dad became disabled and couldn't work so we cant afford bills, so thank you very much. Its not even that great of a computer $400 dollars for a computer woooow what do you got a 1000 dollar mac laptop. First off i was pressured in school to do well i did i became honor grad in my class. You cant let teachers push you that far. and for your self esteem issues yeah i had that before i was like "i dont give a crap what other ppl think about me im gonna be myself nothing is wrong with me" Yeah i got bullied a lot in high school and middle school but you wanna know what i did i went to a school councilor i got pushed down a full set of bleachers by some boy that was 2 years older then me just because i "was in his seat" i got called fat and ugly that councilor helped me learn i shouldn't take that crap from other people i should be myself and not care what they say because in the long run their the ones thats gonna get that stuff pushed back on them. And i live in America sorry i cant have the luxury of having all my dads meds and hospital visits payed for.
You'll still have to put some pressure on yourself, or else you won't do any of the tasks you need to do. Human laziness, in this case, would be the reason why you would have to 'put yourself some pressure'. For example, when you have homework, do you WANT to do it, or you do it because you need to? It works the same way for self-employment, in my opinion.
Another thing that bothers me, simple grammar mistakes. Capitol I's, Commas, Periods, and Beginning your sentence with a capitol letter. Its not that hard, I don't want to be a grammar nazi, but these things are simple and take maybe a few more seconds.