I would like to talk about the different supporter levels and the differences between them. I think there should be more of a difference between the diamond and gold level. I am currently a diamond supporter. I became a diamond supporter when diamond was the only level that was allowed on utopia wild and could claim a utopia lot. Then the decision was made by EMC to allow gold to do this as well. Now, I completely understand the logic behind this. I have seen the number of gold supporters increase significantly since this decision was made. There are other perks to having diamond vs gold such as being able to own 3 lots instead of 2. Also, being able to use tnt and of course getting 1300 ruppees vs 700 per day. I am grateful for these perks, don't get me wrong. But I pay twice as much as a gold member. I just don't feel like I have twice the perks. I hope that the powers that be read this and consider some other perks that could be given to diamond supporters. I am opening this up to all who might have other ideas as to how EMC can make its diamond supporters feel like its worth the extra $$. Just to be clear, I am very happy with EMC and will continue to be a supporter. However, I can't help but wonder why I am continuing to pay twice what other ppl pay for the differences that I am receiving.
I Know im not a diamond supporter but... I Would like to add that maybe as a diamond supporter that they could maybe make protecting a locked chest cheaper than it currently is, and possibly making accessing your vault in every server completely free. This would not make it much of a difference between gold and diamond supporter, it might be a good start
Well... Gold gets 1 extra residence. Diamond gets 2 extra residences. (That's 2x the amount gold gets.) Gold gets 600 extra rupees. Diamond gets 1200 extra rupees. (There is a pattern here.) But WAIT Gold gets 2 benefits over Iron. Diamond only gets 3 benefits? That can't be right...
Please note, that all the supporter levels are subject to change as we add more features. I'm sure we'll never be at a time where all people think it's 'even' from one to the next, but we will always keep it as spread out and even as we can.
That's an interesting way to look at it, I hadn't thought of it like that. So, you could be diamond and have an extra free account and be the same as two gold accounts. Except that 2 gold accounts would get 2 utopia lots, and two normal lots where as diamond would get 1 utopia lot and 3 normal lots. I think most people go to the supporter page and see gold gets 700 r a day, diamond gets 1300 r a day, and do their math on what they see there, not taking into account that what they would get as a free player isn't part of the "perks".
I think it would be neat if Diamond could have two utopia lots (or maybe something else that's cool..) to make it actually "worth it"
2 gold accounts = more perks than 1 diamond, adding the utopia benefits (wilderness) and the well known grinders
Thanks, just dont lie next time Diamond : Gold : 2x Gold 1300r 700r 1400r 1 Utopia Plot 1 Utopia Plot 2 Utopia Plots 1 access to Utopia Wild 1 access to Utopia Wild 2 access to Utopia Wild total of 3 residences 2 residences total 4 residences total 1x XP on Utopia Grinders 1x XP on utopia Grinders 2x XP on Utopia Grinders $ 20 $10 $20 so... for $20... who gets more.. A diamond supporter or 2x Gold Supporters? THATS NOT EVEN... if universal MATH has not changed since i studied it =) DAMIT... the "table didnt work" will post a new one hold on
but you're including what you get as a free player, by definition that's not a perk. and i don't think you should include xp grinder access. you can build an xp grinder anywhere. and the only public one i know of is geekazoids one near the spawn point, and no offence, but it's not really that good for grinding xp.
EDIT: SPREADSHEET LINK https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Am0Ih-6z3HHLdGYtTFdPalNQNVp0SWxpTmtRVXVmc2c