Most prized possession?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Terminator908, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. Well then, I bet you HOPE he's gonna fall apart.
  2. Nah, he is cool. But we should not talk about this anymore as it is getting personal and it is off topic. Edit: This post has given me my 1000th like.
  3. that picture, was taken with this camera. :p lolol, which was taken with my phone. :p

    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. I think that cameras picture taking quality is better then the one taking a picture of that, What's taking that? :p
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  5. She's been there for me more than any human has ever been, she's brought joy to my life ever since she came into it, and she's...well...My most prized possession, I guess....
    penfoldex and NINJATTILA like this.
  6. lol, then i really need to message you one from the D800 .. lol :eek: it makes HUGE sized photos, it is beast. and like i said, i took that with my phone. lol
  7. It's like 30mp, It would do, That's like 5k x 5k :p I look forward to seeing how good the pictures are from it :)
    battmeghs likes this.
  8. now take a picture of your phone with something that has worse quality
  9. That is a phone picture.
  10. i dont see what your getting at
  11. >.< It's a picture taken on a phone, sheesh.
  12. *thinking of whats worse quality than a phone camera*
    "lets take a photo with a POTATO!"
    ZBSDKryten and battmeghs like this.
  13. Cookies are da best, i also have a dc of them. :p
  14. you are a shame to all cookies. you need to have at least 10 dcs of them. i have 20 dcs of cookies
  15. O_O you are right, i need to stalk up on cookies then!
    battmeghs and superg64 like this.
  16. They use spawn eggs in Mob Arena so more than likely they dropped one/got one once when Max accidentally killed iSMOOCH and he had a bunch.

    I still don't know what mine would be. I think I have several. One is my 3DS I got for our 1 year anniversary, second is the authentic woven Mexican blanket I got from my uncle before he died of cancer and third is my husband, he's a huge nerd, always makes me laugh and is always there for me and I wouldn't trade him for anything:
    BilboBaggins23 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. Since others are doing intangible stuff, I'll say that I value my conciousness the most. The ability to carries a very deep value to it.
    NINJATTILA and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. My 10 golden apples I got during the first week I was on EMC. These are the ones before you could craft them two ways.
  19. Mine would be a necklace with a Dragonfly on it. It was my grandmothers that passed 2 years ago. I gave it to her when i was 4, I'm 19, she wore it till she died, The coroner took it off and was the only one that ever did. I wear it every day. And yes you can all imagine a 19 year old boy wearing a Dragonfly necklace, but i do, and wear it proudly.