Discussion Thread: Flying

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Hasorko, Jan 17, 2013.


Does a flying perk fit in EMC?

Yes 27 vote(s) 30.0%
No 39 vote(s) 43.3%
Undecided 6 vote(s) 6.7%
My opinion about that is more complex than Yes / No 18 vote(s) 20.0%
  1. LMAO
  2. EMC's town are no way survival. They have always been a step beyond Vanilla. We call it French Vanilla. We have always kept the town and wild separate. Town - A safe and relaxed place to build. Wild - A not so safe and a "you have to watch your back" place to build. If you want to make the argument that the FLYING is what makes it like creative, you have to take a step back and rethink this over. How is no damage in town survival? Answer: It's not! The town is not supposed to be Survival and already has tastes of "creative". Adding the flying thing is not a bad idea. The only thing it allows you to really do is save time, and I think though that it should be a flag type thing to combat people from going to places the res owner doesn't want them. That is my input, I am Biscuit and THIS... IS... JEOPARDY!
    oremia and Gap542 like this.
  3. No this is not jeopardy... This is mordor
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  4. Flying is [opinion withheld].
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  5. Mystul - *sees new update*, *changes res enter and exit messages to demonstrate frustration*
  6. ^ no longer true BB. I wish to comment, but my word is stronger.
  7. Not exactly... Keep in mind that you have to build up so you have something to place the first block on.
  8. *sigh*, you don't remember what you did for the TEXP update?
  9. I think one week is too long. The thing is that fly really removes the credibility of builds in town. If we had fly for one week that would be enough time for people to build some really epic stuff really quickly. The problem is when I see a build fromt that point on I'll have no idea whether it was built legit or not.
  10. I see at just another good perk that I have an option of using.

    No one mentioned the permanent daylight and no fall damage on Utopia, and that's in the WILD. Flying is only in the town. Like those things, I think people will just learn to live with it. Besides, if you don't want to fly you don't need to - like ICC said, Aikar is working on a command to make it toggle-able.
  11. Exactly what I said. As of yesterday (before this was announced) we were still NOWHERE near vanilla survival.
  12. I find it funny that the most common complaint on this is that people will be able to build epic things :p
    Gap542, Twitch1, uglydragon and 4 others like this.
  13. Yep, and I love it. Plus Utopia is called Utopia for a reason :p It's no regular server.
  14. I don't like it at all. When I built my floating island I built it from the top down. That took tons of dirt scaffolding, time, patience, and effort. Flying saves time, well so does creative. The argument for flying seems to be a segue to creative mode in town. The argument can be made for both. It seems like we've just turned into a creative server without admitting it.
    cddm95ace and PandasEatRamen like this.
  15. I voiced my thoughts on this earlier. I am fine with it as long as there is a shut off - it is only in utopia. When it comes to the rest of the towns later on, for a week, I will probably spend the week in the wild. *cough*orintowntryingtosneakontorestrictedlots *cough* Could be fun.

    What I want to point out is that, while you are doing this to increase supporter numbers - a necessary evil I suppose - it will probably deter me from ever going diamond again. It might be interesting to know what the ratio will be in what it gains from what it deters in supporters. I personally don't want there ever to be a reason for someone to suspect that I used flying to build my creations.

    I feel like a terrible person, lol. You guys come up with these ideas - and I'm grateful that you are. I feel like I'm always negative Nelly about them. I don't mean to be.
  16. This ^.
  17. Everyone has their opinions, we're lucky that EMC listens to them though :)
    melodytune likes this.
  18. I see what you mean, you make an awesome structure quickly and people are like, Hey how did you make that so fast? I flew. Oh.

    And it really takes away from the awesomeness of the structure. I personally don't care about other people's negative opinions but I will take positives.


    P.P.S that's funny

    P.P.P.S one of the reasons I bought diamond today is for the flying :p And to help the empire.
  19. I don't care for flying. The rules state no flymod, and what's the difference? We'll now just see an influx of "Oh but I was using the perk and banned for flymod." ban appeals. Everything built on my res took items I farmed/was given/rarely bought. Scarligmione built the mountain on his own, I built the tree tower and plan more things, My sister built all of her wool art without flying.

    I have enough of people coming into my res and annoying me and trolling and enderpearling into everything, block glitching, now they'll have an easier time breaking in.

    Why not just go ahead and create a creative server and be done with it?


    This is another reason we don't need it. Too many rude people already, we don't need more people being rude to others just because they can now fly when everyone else can't.
  20. I have to say that I think there is more to the subject than just weather Flying in Utopia town should be allowed.
    I personally don't have a problem with the added feature to the Diamond Rank (I mean they shell out 20 bucks a
    month to help keep the servers running).

    But I have a problem with the feature all together because I think it will make more people think that it's ok to
    use fly mods and what not. However as long as the flying is moderated (which we know it will be because we have
    some amazing moderators on these servers) then I say let em have fun with it on Utopia, and to all the people who
    think flying takes away from the awesomeness of structures; It is their building and they can build it however they
    want too. If you don't like they way they did it then that is you opinion.
    Twitch1 likes this.